API Versioning Has No “Right Way”

Phil Sturgeon
APIs You Won't Hate
10 min readSep 26, 2017

But there are quite a few objectively bad ideas.

You probably don’t want too many versions running around at the same time.


API versioning is a really difficult topic, and sometimes seen as a merely religious debate. It’s done differently at different companies, and different teams within different companies often vary.

Some folks move from approach A to approach B, and when approach B solves their specific issues they act like approach B is “best” and nobody should ever use approach A. That’s all well and good until they realize approach C might be a good idea.

There are so many approaches to versioning that it can be hard to talk about — let alone understand — them all, but I’m going to attempt to create a definitive guide.

At work I am tasked with recommending one approach to API versioning, because right now we have a mixture of approaches, and we’re using a few subtle variants of the worst possible approach. My recommendations and research are being converted to a guide for all of y’all.

Global URI Versioning

Versioning the entire API.

Usually in the path (e.g., /api/v1/companies), this could be a subdomain (e.g., api-v2.foo.com/companies). If functionality was required that forced the API to change the representation of companies drastically, a new version of the entire API would be created, even if users did not change at all.

Usually these are planned timed releases, where — for example — a v2 of the iOS app and v2 of the API were timed deployments, and v1 probably has a sunset date.

The downside here is that rarely are changes communicated clearly. In our example, when the users had not changed, client developers have a rough time confirming that. Also, it’s very common for smaller breaking changes to sneak in, because “It’s a major release, that’s time to change stuff”. With that mindset, it’s very easy for API developers to shove in breaking changes that may not be communicated or documented particularly well.

Some companies avoid this by being honest about the situation, and just make entirely new API applications, on new servers, with new domains. They build http://new-api.example.com, or use codenames, then ditch the old. Eventually they’ll blackhole the old DNS once the old version has hit acceptable low or zero usage.

This has the benefit of eradicating legacy as you go, but regardless of using names, version numbers, or anything else, building out multiple APIs and forcing the clients to consistently develop against new version after new version is the most time consuming approach to versioning, for not just the API developers but the client developers too. Everyone has to test everything on each new upgrade, and this all takes forever.

Resource Versioning (URI-based)

Versioning specific resources by theirselves.

In the same example of /api/v1/companies and /api/v1/users, if companies changed substantially then maybe a /api/v2/companies is created, but /api/v1/users remains untouched. This makes upgrades easier for clients as they know where to focus their attention. If there is no v2 for users, they just keep on using the v1.

One problem with this approach is it looks nearly identical to global versioning on the outside, and isn’t.

I’ve seen apps built with API::V1::BaseController, API::V2::BaseController, and API::V3::BaseController, each of which have their own error format. That would be entirely fine in global versioning, as the assumption is a client will use all of v1, all of v2, or all of v3. In resource versioning a client might hit a selection of v1, v2 and v3 endpoints at any time, and that means they need to support three different error formats.

One end-user application was producing errors like Error: [object Object] to actual end users, because the JavaScript code was expecting the v2 format { "error" : "some message" }, but a v3 error of { "error" : { "message" : “something”, "code" : “err-123” } } has come back.

We could counter this specific issue with the use of a standard error response across all systems (shout-out to RFC 7807 Problem Details for HTTP APIs), but that is just fixing one symptom of a larger problem.

Resource Versioning (Mime-Based)

This approach is very similar, but instead of versioning in the URL, versions go in the Accept and Content-Type headers.

GET /api/companiesAccept: application/vnd.acme.companies.v2+json

The keeps the URL issue out of the way, and avoids API developers mistakenly sharing conventions in version specific base controllers. This is what many considered for a long time to be the height of API versioning (myself included), and was the approach used by GitHub for a long time.

It keeps the same endpoint working for a long time, but if the header is optional it can cause confusion. If clients don’t request a specific version, should they get the earliest supported version, or the latest?

If v3 is added and v2 is eventually deprecated, clients would rather suddenly start getting a whole new version which might break their apps.

Resource versioning does help, but can still be voodoo magic to many.

Method-based Versioning (URI-based)

Versioning by combination of URI and HTTP method.

I have only ever seen this one approach used at WeWork, but I’m sure it’s been done elsewhere. It’s a variant of “Resource Versioning (URI-based)”, which basically does not version an entire resource, only the method for that resource.

That’s hard to wrap your head around for a good reason. Let’s see how it might work:

The latest "fetch all” for companies might beGET /api/v2/companies, but to create a company you might POST /api/v3/companies, even though GET /api/v3/companies does not exist. The resource is not even guaranteed to match on the same method, as method + URI is what makes it unique, so GET /api/v1/companies/{id} might be the best way to grab a single resource, and who knows if those serializers are the same.

This has all of the cons of the previously mentioned solutions, with a few more thrown in.

Primarily, that API developers get used to disposable endpoints. Every time Client B needs to update a resource, they create their own new method, ignore the existing one, and this is tolerated as “normal” due to a lack of API versioning strategy.

Disposable endpoint thinking has lead to situations where new update methods have been created that only contain subset of earlier update method functionality. The API developer adding functionality was unaware of the functionality in previous versions, and didn’t worry about looking because “nobody ever upgrades anyway.”

Due to this divergence, even if a client wanted to upgrade, they could not! They are trapped on older versions, which then have to be supported forever, for fear of breaking the clients using the newer endpoint.

This increased functionality is essentially asking all API teams to support more functionality than they should, and that is time and money that could be spent on more useful things.

API Evolution

API Evolution is the concept of never breaking your contracts until you absolutely absolutely have to, then when you do you manage that change with sensible warnings to clients. It is not about making arbitrary changes and breaking stuff.

Generally you add new fields, or add a new resource, and if you absolutely must you can deprecate and eventually remove the old bits when it’s no longer being used.

This is an approach currently being popularized by GraphQL, but one that REST advocates have been talking about for decades. A great writeup on HTTP Evolution was done back in 2012, and more recently an excellent post on API Change Management.

Evolution is not a GraphQL feature, but a concept that works rather well in most types of API.

At a previous company offering crowdsourced carpooling, we only added fields, never removed them. This was fine for the majority of changes, but when backwards compatible issues absolutely could not at all be avoided, we took advantage of the fact that a business name for a concept had changed, and took the chance to make our API match the business name.

Matches were a relationship between a driver and a passenger, and multiple matches would make up the carpool. The BC change was to add multiple drivers, which completely screwed the concept of matches. When we switched from /matches to /riders, we changed the JSON representation entirely, but internally those two representations shared the same code.

After a few months, the matches concept was deprecated, and clients started using the new riders concept. The internals changed multiple times as we worked on recoding towards the new goal, and we converted matches to riders, then eventually matches was just a different serializer sat on top of riders. During this process the contract never changed.

We went through a few backflips to make that happen, but our clients didn’t need to do a thing, other than switch to “riders” in their own time. Android and iOS apps launched independently, and that didn’t matter for us at all.

The approach of evolution pushes some extra work onto the API development team, but avoids a similar amount of work being pushed onto the client teams. If one API has 5 clients, then we’re saving 5x the development, testing, etc.

Deprecations Are Tricky

Whether you use Global URI Versioning, or want to use Evolution, you are going to need to consider how you handle deprecations.

If your team is small enough, you can just email the iOS developer and suggest they use the newer endpoint, or the newer whole damn API, but if you work at a company with hundreds of developers (and 30+ services!) this might not be a successful approach.

There are a few approaches to handling deprecations which you can use right now.

Deprecating Endpoints with Sunset

At WeWork we built a Faraday wrapper (popular Ruby HTTP client) called we-call that forces some good conventions onto client and server alike, using the power of middleware.

One of those conventions is syntactic sugar around using the still-in-draft Sunset header, using annotations to make it super easy. You don’t need to use the whole we-call gem, you can just use faraday-sunset, or if you’re using PHP you can use guzzle-sunset.

Deprecating Fields with OpenAPI v3.0

You can advertise to humans that fields are going away with OpenAPI and it’s “deprecated” keyword, added in v3.0. This is far from perfect as there is not really a computery way to detect these deprecations without shoving a link to your OpenAPI schemas into the JSON response.

JSON Schema is working on adding this, and it’s far more common for JSON Schema links to be placed into the JSON response. For now, don’t remove any fields, just add new fields, and use a new representation if you really just cannot handle the old contract.

PayPal do this for their APIs, but they’re using vendor extensions that pre-date OpenAPI’s deprecated functionality.

Using Migrations a’la Stripe

Stripe have outlined an approach to making their public API evolvable, which is way above and beyond. Instead of using HTTP / in-band metadata to advertise the fact that it’s going away, they build out migrations which translate older requests into newer ones internally.

They keep things backwards compatible for a certain amount of time before destroying the migration, emailing the client developers a whole bunch about the change before that point.

This was done by Facebook for years, before they threw everything in and went with global versioning in the path…

Be Honest About Building RPC APIs

Most URI-based versioning is thinly veiled RPC, that just look a bit RESTish. If companies doing URI-based versioning using RPC naming conventions, the APIs would look a bit more like this:

  • GET /api/v2/users would be GET /GetAllUsers (without pagination for some client that nobody remembers)
  • GET /api/v3/users would be GET /GetAllUsersPaginated (if you want pagination just use this one!)
  • GET /api/v2/users/123 would be GET /GetUserAppA
  • GET /api/v2/users/123/simple would be GET /GetUsersAppB
  • PATCH /api/v2/companies would be POST /UpdateCompanyFromAppY
  • PATCH /api/v3/companies would be POST /UpdateCompanyFromAppZ

If people are going to design their APIs as RPC with a RESTish facade, they should just commit to being an RPC API and build endpoint for specific clients like they’re literally already doing.

Just be honest about it. Hide the false intention, RPC the lot, document as such, and maybe just use gRPC.


API Evolution is incredibly powerful if you put in the work to make it possible. A commitment to contracts will make things easier, especially with JSON Schema bringing deprecated in the future.

Global URI Versioning is the least awful alternative. I would only recommend this to teams who cannot commit to contracts, and build incredibly different APIs to match incredibly different iterations of applications (e.g., v1, v2, v3 of a mobile app). Maybe just use codenames for each version and delete the old APIs, instead of trying to jam it all into one codebase and potentially taint one version with changes to some shared code in another version.

Either way, global versioning is literally not at all RESTful, and hints towards RPC, and that’s coming straight from Roy.

Resource-based content-negotiation is ok if you’ve got some very HTTP-savvy clients and document your intentions incredibly well, but it’s essentially a shortcut to kinda evolution, which doesn’t really add any benefit.

And for the love of The Flying Spaghetti Monster, please don’t ever do any form of method-based versioning. It never makes any sense. You’re making things terrible for everyone, splitting expectations, creating overhead, and focusing on short-term gains and long-term confusion.

However you decide to version, so long as you’re using one of the few more sensible approaches, remember that it’s not about deciding which is “best”. It’s about sharing and understanding the pros and cons of various approaches, and the priority is educated decisions based on that information.



Phil Sturgeon
APIs You Won't Hate

Bike nomad turned electric van nomad, boycotting fossil-fuels, working on reforestation and ancient woodland restoration as co-founder of Protect Earth. he/him