3 Periods and 3 Tiers of APIS Masternode

Published in
6 min readDec 28, 2018

Hello, this is APIS team.

Today we will guide you about newly updated 3 periods [Early bird / Normal / Late] and 3 tiers of Masternode participation, [General / Major / Private] with Refresh system.

1. APIS Masternode participation periods

We’ll guide you about 3 different participation period [Early bird / Normal / Late], in order, a system to activate APIS platform and stabilize APIS blockchain network.

1) Early Bird

It is a stage you can apply 24 hours earlier than APIS Masternode normal start. There may be a problem like a server overload if we let users apply just for a day for a single, Normal stage. To prevent this and disperse the competition, we added Early bird stage and you can apply for it only on APIS platform with a small amount of fee. Since you can participate via APIS platform, unlike ‘Normal’ or ‘Late’, you don’t need to manage PC wallet.
With this system, users can manage APIS Masternode more easily on APIS platform and get a chance to participate in Masternode in advance.

※Please note※

  1. As the first participation stage after mainnet, Early bird will last for 23 hours (It takes time-about an hour- to stabilize Blockchain and setting the contract) and after the refresh, each stage will last a day(24 hours).
  2. You can participate without restrictions within 4,000 / 3,000 / 2,000 APIS Masternodes of General/Major/Private tiers so the application can be closed on Early Bird stage if all nodes are occupied.
  3. Unlike APIS Masternode setup at PC Wallet, you don’t need to set the reward receiving wallet and the reward will be distributed to the relevant account automatically on APIS platform.
  4. Unlike on PC Wallet, users can participate in multiple APIS Masternodes on APIS platform and can participate in APIS Masternode without setting the exact amount of balance.
  5. Unlike APIS Masternode setup at PC Wallet, users can participate in multiple APIS Masternodes without restriction of a single server-single Masternode.
  6. Users can apply for Early Bird only through APIS platform. APIS platform is optimized for Chrome and we do not recommend you to operate it on Internet Explorer due to compatibility issues.

2) Normal

Users can apply for the Normal stage from the next day of Mainnet launch. Next application will be open on APIS Masternode Refreshing day in accordance with Masternode system. Applying is available only on APIS PC Wallet(Core Wallet) and there is no extra fee unlike ‘Early Bird’ and ‘Late’.

※Please note※

  1. For a Masternode setup at PC Wallet, you need a wallet with exact 50,000/ 200,000/ 500,000 APIS and you need to set another wallet to receive the reward.
  2. APIS Masternode setup is available at only one wallet.
  3. Other than the amount for Masternode setup, you need a transaction fee in the wallet allocated for the setup.
  4. If you close the PC Wallet, APIS Masternod will be closed after a certain time.

3) Late

It is the last stage where the unparticipated till Normal stage or mid-closed Masternodes can join. Same as the Normal stage, users can apply only via APIS PC wallet and there is a small amount of fee. This fee will be distributed to foundation and participants for Early Bird & Normal stage with 5:5 rate.

※Please note※

  1. For a Masternode setup at PC Wallet, you need a wallet with exact 50,000/ 200,000/ 500,000 APIS and you need to set another wallet to receive the reward.
  2. APIS Masternode setup is available at only one wallet.
  3. Other than the amount for Masternode setup, you need a transaction fee in the wallet allocated for the setup.
    (There should be the exact amount of APIS in the wallet to setup APIS Masternode so we recommend you to pay the fee with Minerals in the wallet.)
    (We recommend you to purchase Minerals and store them in the wallet allocated for Masternode setup if you don’t have enough Minerals.)
  4. If you close the PC Wallet, APIS Masternod will be closed after a certain time.


Rewards will not be distributed from the mainnet launch to Normal stage open since this period is the Early Bird stage. The undistributed rewards will be accumulated and carried over according to the each stage’s participation and amount.
This will be applied just for the first round and will find a normal period from the following Masternode join rounds.
Normal period

2. APIS Masternode Refresh System

APIS Masternode applies Refresh system every 972,000 Blocks(about 3 months) and it is closed automatically. The system generates new demand and prevents monopoly, delivering fairness and chance for everyone, since there is a limit in APIS Masternode users can participate in.

3. APIS Masternode join policy for each tier

There are 3 tiers (General, Major, Private) for APIS Masternode. The 3 tiers are divided by the setup amount.

(1) Tier 1: General
Users can setup General Masternode with 50,000 APIS and there is a 4,000 nodes limit. The lowest ROI reward rate is 27.43%.

(2) Tier 2: Major
Users can setup Major Masternode with 200,000 APIS and there is a 3,000 nodes limit. The lowest ROI reward is 28.81% and it is 5% higher than the reward from tier 1, General.

(3) Tier 3: Private
Users can setup Private Masternode with 500,000 APIS and there is a 2,000 nodes limit. The lowest ROI reward is 32.92% and it is 20% higher than General, 14.29% higher than Major.

For APIS Masternode reward, 45% of yearly minted coins will be distributed.
*45% of the newly minted coins will be allocated to Masternode reward and 45% of them are for POS mining reward. 10% is allocated to the APIS foundation.


[Early Bird]
Q1. Where do I apply for Early Bird?
A1. You can participate via APIS platform.

Q2. Can I close APIS platform after participating at Early Bird stage?
A2. Yes, it operates after you close, unlike the PC wallet.

Q3. How do I check when the next Early Bird stage starts?
A3. You can participate 24 hours before it reaches 972,000 Blocks(10,800 Blocks ahead) and we will announce the open in advance via APIS platform.

Q4. Can I join multiple Masternodes at Early Bird?
A4. You can apply for Early Bird only via APIS platform. You can request within node limits of each tier without restriction on APIS platform.

Q1. When can I apply for Normal?
A1. Normal stage open for 24 hours after Early Bird is closed and you can apply only via PC Wallet.

Q2. Does Normal have a commission?
A2. There is none unlike Early Bird or Late. But please keep in mind that you should participate Normal at PC Wallet and Masternode can be closed when you close the PC Wallet.

Q1. I participated at Late stage but my Masternode is closed because of the Refresh. How do I participate again?
A1. The participation request is done automatically if you don’t close PC Wallet and keep participating. You can participate without restrictions within 4,000 / 3,000 / 2,000 APIS Masternodes of (General / Major / Private) tiers so the application can be closed on Early Bird stage if all nodes are occupied.

Q2. I applied for Late stage with my PC Wallet on. When can I participate?
A2. You can participate when some users mid-close Masternode and can participate immediately when there are unoccupied nodes.

Q3. I applied during the Late stage. Can I transfer APIS?
A3. Your application will be canceled if you transfer APIS in the middle of the request.

Q4. I want to participate again after a cancel during Early Bird / Normal stage. Is it possible?
A4. You can participate during the Late stage if Masternodes are not fully occupied.

[Common inquiries]
Q1. Is there a cancelation fee for APIS Masternode close?
A1. There is no cancelation fee for APIS Masternode.

Q2. Is APIS Masternode close confirmed immediately?
A2. It will be confirmed after verifying the relevant Masternode in the Masternode pool and it may take up to 24 hours.

Q3. Why did you apply those 3 periods? (Early Bird, Normal, Late)?
A3. Most users would try to set up APIS Masternode on the platform if there are no Early Bird, Normal, Late stages. This concentration could cause problems like server overload. We’ve applied this system to prevent such problem and disperse the competition while stabilizing APIS mainnet network.

