8th APIS Masternode Early Bird date & Notes

Sophie Ha
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2020

Hello, This is APIS team.

8th APIS Masternode Earlybird will start from approx Sep 19st. 2020 13:35 (UTC+8). Although, please note there could be a slight difference following the Block formation time. To be exact Earlybird starts at Block height 6,804,000‬. Although, please note there could be a slight difference following the Block formation time.

On 19st, you can apply for 8th Early Bird with APIS formerly joined to 7th Early Bird.

But please note that you can’t apply with APIS joined to other PoS products.

Withdrawal & deposit on APIS platform and other Masternode join will be suspended from 19st 11:00 (UTC+8) to the next day 15:00 (UTC+8).

  1. 8th Early Bird starts at 6,804,000th Block on Sep 19st.
  2. On 21st, it is possible to join 8th Early Bird stage with APIS already joined to former Early Bird
  3. You can join with APIX token as well. The platform will automatically apply them to APIS as you deposit APIX.
  4. You can’t join with APIS allocated to other Masternodes or PoS products.
  5. Withdrawal & deposit on APIS platform will be suspended from 19st 11:00 (UTC+8) to the next day 15:00 (UTC+8).Other products join would be temporarily suspended as well.
  6. APIS Masternode Early Bird join should be done only on APIS platform

Thank you,
APIS team.

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