APIS Masternode Platform #2

Jay Jung
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2018

Hello dear APIS supporters, today we would like to explain to you the ROI(Return On Investment) of the APIS masternodes when they become live.

APIS masternode is differentiated into three tiers based on the number of coins invested into a single masternode.

tier 1 general

As the masternode in its most basic form with 50,000APIS, general masternode has no bonus rewards. The small number of APIS coins required to set up this tier of masternode is still a major advantage.

tier 2 major

Major masternode can be set up with 200,000APIS. Major masternode can receive 5% additional reward compared to the general masternode.

tier 3 private

Private masternode requires 500,000APIS and therefore has the highest APIS token requirements, but it also receives 20% bonus reward compared to tier 1.

45% of the newly issued APIS tokens are distributed to nodes as APIS masternode reward. Of the remaining 55%, 45% is given to PoS mining reward, and 10% is given to the team.

The first year APIS token issuance is 1,237,600,000 tokens, with 556,920,000 of them set aside for masternode reward. The minimum reward rate for each tier is as followed:

  • Tier 1(General) : 27.43%
  • Tier 2(Major) : 28.81%
  • Tier 3(Private) : 32.92%

APIS issuance will gradually decrease at a rate of 11.37% per year. On the fifth year, the yearly issuance will stand at 763,665,723 tokens, and APIS tokens given as masternode reward will be 343,649,575. The minimum reward rate for each tier five years later is as followed:

  • Tier 1(General) :16.93%
  • Tier 2(Major) : 17.77%
  • TIer 3(Private) : 20.31%

The minimum reward rate (return) decreases in line with the reduced yearly token issuanace.” But lower reward rate means that there will be less demand for APIS masternodes. It is anticipated that the reward rate will be stabilized on a certain point in time.

For instance, Dash, one of the most notable masternode coins, has a stable recent interest rate from 7.5 to 8.1 percent.
(Ref : https://masternodes.online/currencies/DASH/)



Jay Jung

Cryptoinvestor, Official Community Manager for APIS Platform project. To learn more about APIS, please visit apisplatform.io