Important Notice from APIS team

Jay Jung
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2018

Dear APIS supporters,

We are writing to you to inform you of important information before we commence our token presale.

First, we have made a strategic decision to shift our base currency from QTUM to Ethereum. APIS token will therefore be a ERC-20 token before its mainnet launches.

The rationale behind this rather abrupt and important change is fundamentally due to our focus on user accessibility and development support potential. As a full PoS token with many dApps, QTUM was originally considered the best candidate upon which APIS could build its community and user base especially since considerable technological and entreprenurial advice was expected from its core team. However, as our team found out during the organization of APIS token sale, QTUM was not as widely adopted and many users voiced their concerns and difficulties over using QTUM for a token sale, especially since our token sale neccesitated a smart contract and therefore made it difficult for many potential investors to actually participate on our token sales event unless they have prior knowledge of the QTUM and its wallet.

Moreover, after our lengthy discussion with the QTUM core team, we decided that it may not be appropriate for APIS, which will have its mainnet live on Q2 2018, to be listed as a QTUM dApp. Among other various reasons, these two were the main issues that finally led us to change the base currency of APIS.

Despite this significant change, we would like to promise you that there will be no difference to the roadmap or development plans for the APIS platform project. The choice was exclusively made to contribute to a speedy and stable development of our project, and we will deliver our product as promised.

We still sincerely apologize for the much confusion this will create, most importantly to our potential investors who were ready to invest through QTUM. For this reason, we will accept QTUM for both our presale and the ICO; presale will accept QTUM only as previously announced. The exchange ratio for QTUM to Ethereum will be announced in detail before the ICO commences. APIS team will provide 1:1 change of all QRC-20 APIS tokens issued during its token sales event, and we will continue to make our best effort to mitigate any QTUM investor discomfort arising from our change of base currency.

Second, we would like to offer additional KYC period for those who wish to participate on the APIS ICO.

As we’ve previously stated, our mission is to provide our users with accessible and convenient platform based on blockchain. Ultimately, we need a large audience with higher cognition of the general blockchain technology. There were some confusion regarding our KYC and whitelisting period as many of our potential investors thought it was for the presale only, and as a result we received a large number of inquiries from people who wished to participate in our ICO who were unable to complete the KYC before the due date. In order to expand our user base and provide the exciting opportunity of getting involved in APIS firsthand to more peple, we decided to open additonal KYC and whitelisting period after the completion of APIS presale.

Those who already registered during the original period between 3 to 10 Feb do not have to re-register. The additional KYC opportunity will be open to accept participation on the general ICO only. We, APIS team, would like to ask for your understanding regarding our decision to open up another round of KYC.

We will continue to strive to contribute to the mass adoption of blockchain technology through our project and communicate with you to ensure that your participation in our project is sufficienty rewarding. We value confidence and communication above all, and we will keep our close relationship with our community at all times.

Our sincere apologies again for the discomfort caused by our changes.

Very respectfully,

APIS team



Jay Jung

Cryptoinvestor, Official Community Manager for APIS Platform project. To learn more about APIS, please visit