From the creators of Satoshis.Games

Welcome to APItoshi

Beta release

Carlos Roldan


What is it?

Accessible at

APItoshi is presented as a solution to the frictional problem when developing a lightning application. Currently, there are not many options for the end-users to implement advanced lighting solutions, tailored to their needs. Users create a lightning application by connecting their node to their app.

This, however, results in the user having to go through the complicated process of node balancing, channel management, liquidity operations and/or routing mechanisms to optimize their payments success.

The motivation behind APItoshi comes from the challenge of overcoming lightning’s most complex operations, such as integrating smart contracts or inter-operating with other blockchain services in executing smart contract requests(e.g. NFTs on lightning).

Dashboard view at APItoshi


SegWit & HD

SegWit supported with P2SH-compatibility mode and Bech32 Native mode. Segwit was a massive upgrade to the Bitcoin Protocol released in 2017. You will find all wallets with SegWit enabled by default. Bech32 is a new bitcoin address format specified by BIP 0173.

The Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) key creation and transfer protocol (BIP32) is also implemented, which allows creating child keys from parent keys in a hierarchy. The HD Wallets will generate different public keys for each transaction.


APItoshi provides an information management tool that visually tracks, analyzes and displays APItoshi data. It includes a user-friendly interface for key management services facilitating the integration of APItoshi modules into your app(s), tracking statistics about the operations, monitoring the account balance and the smart bound capabilities.

Full encryption

Data is encrypted using the AES 256-bit algorithm and an encryption key given to) the user. APItoshi uses 256-bit symmetric encryption to encrypt user data.


Not fully implemented yet!

APItoshi is a modular product that allows users running the no(n)-custodial module to self-govern their keys. This is a more advanced feature for experimental users that already have experience with lightning node management. Currently, this is not fully available.

However, this feature is exclusively for LND (Lightning Network Daemon) users, that can run this experimental non-custodial module by giving APItoshi access to the invoice macaroon or the read-onlymacaroon together with the grpc endpoint and TLS certificate. With these files, APItoshi can establish a non-custodial connection to your lightning node and perform a lightning operation to either ask for payment requests or read invoices.

APItoshi has no access to manage your funds or perform withdrawal operations from your node.


APItoshi SDKs provides an array of tools in a unique and standardized interface to enable end-users to implement modules into different e-commerce platforms and gaming development frameworks such as:

  • Unity (experimental private beta available at GitHub)
  • WooCommerce (wok-in-progress)
  • Prestashop (wok-in-progress)
  • Opencart (wok-in-progress)
  • Unreal Engine (wok-in-progress)
  • Godot Engine (wok-in-progress)


APItoshi is a lightning-stack development framework that allows users to implement lightning technical operations into their lightning app. As part of a modular architecture modules are installed on top of APItoshi.

Key Manager

Users can interact with different modules through the means of API keys. These keys have different privileges that provide users with security and access.


APItoshi comes with a module that brings a lightning OAuth-based system built with digital signatures and bitcoin public keys. This login system allows the user to avoid using sensitive personal data, e.g. email addresses, during the authentication process and it takes just a few seconds.


A bitcoin payment processor built on top of APItoshi that brings a Point of Sale application ready to integrate on e-commerce platforms. The payment module takes advantage of bitcoin’s newest payment protocol to bring instant transactions and extremely low fees.

Payments at APItoshi

Smart Bounds

APItoshi Smart Bound brings an inter-operability to connect it with other blockchain services using Bitcoin as the native fuel for APItoshis modules. Therefore, the user can implement smart contracts on the Lightning Network in a matter of minutes.

This brings payment automation/execution that only occurs under certain conditions, streaming payments at predetermined time intervals that trigger other events once a payment is received, such as bringing NFTs to lightning or automatic blockchain processes triggered through lightning.

The architecture behind the Smart Bound system at APItoshi

What’s next for APItoshi

We are developing different modules to make APItoshi technologically richer by adding support for different lightning operations such as:

  • Smart Contract deployment. 1-click deployment of smart contracts using an audited library of pre-made contracts through Smart Bounds to allow pre-paid services to fuel contract costs.
  • Several Smart Bounds. Support to create Smart Bounds accessing other blockchain and distributed services, such as IPFS, RSK, Blockstream Satellite & Liquid Network.
  • Node Management. Automatic channel rebalancing, auto-pilot management for optimum path-finding and watchtowers as a service. This module would be for non-custodial endpoints that use APItoshi.
  • Plausible deniability. It will allow users to define a different password which will decrypt a fake wallet set up. For any case where you are forced to disclose your access or when you do not want to, or you cannot show your real apitoshi key.

