If You’re Serious about Coding, Begin Now with these Steps

AP Jama
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2018

Hi, thank for you clicking on this article! I am hoping that reading this will change your life.

Note: This is largely intended for people that have done no coding whatsoever and want to build websites and stuff.

let’s be real, you won’t ever have to do this
  1. I know all of this coding stuff looks super hard. It isn’t. When people think of coding, they imagine Margret Hamilton standing next to all that code she wrote for the moon landing. Computers have come a long since then as have programming languages! So, before getting into it, have your head in the right place. I wrote an article about very same subject. Please go and read it.
  2. Go on Code Academy and do the basic HTML course, the basic Javascript course, the basic Python course. This is just to get you to be a little bit comfortable with what code looks like in different languages, and the aims/approaches of each language.
  3. If you’re a student or know a student, sign up to Github’s education pack. It gives you loads of courses and software for free. All you need is a university email address.
  4. Go on Treehouse, sign up for a free month trial and do their Javascript Full Stack track. This will probably take you a few weeks, if I am being honest. But stay on top of it!!
  5. Treehouse also has a Python track that takes you from a complete novice to absolutely G! Here is the link for it.
  6. How are you feeling now? Do you feel ready to go and build something? No? Hit me up on my Twitter. Hopefully you’ll now have a better idea about what you like and what you don’t like. I can give you advice that is specific to you!
  7. I wrote a thing about what I did to get my first developer job. Please give it a read. You might find it helpful.
  8. What you do now is up to you. But please, for goodness sake, don’t waste your own time. Take yourself seriously. Your time is important. Spend it wisely. Force yourself to follow through. Work hard.
  9. Best of luck.

