apM Coin Token Distribution Information(As of 15 June 2021)

apM Coin
apM Coin
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2021

apM Coin(Token Symbol: APM) is ERC-20 token; its total supply is 1,812,500,000 APM. As of the date posted, APM is available for trading on Bithumb, Bittrex Global, OKEx and so on.

Key information about apM Coin project — including its current circulating volume — has been updated through the project’s official communication channels (Telegram official communities, Medium, Naver Blog (Korean language only)), CoinMarketCap and Xangle. In the interest of transparency about the project operation, apM Coin would like to disclose the project’s token supply distribution plan and release plan as follows. Please note that the following information is based on the status at the time of writing:

Token Supply Distribution

With regards to the total supply of APM capped at 1,812,500,000 APM, the tokens have been categorised according to the following functions:

⠄Sale: 30,000,000 APM (1.66%) — Private sale only

⠄Team: 181,250,000 APM (10%)

⠄Partner & Advisor: 181,250,000 APM (10%)

⠄Marketing: 181,250,000 APM (10%)

⠄Payment Pool: 362,500,000 APM (20%)

⠄Global Expansion: 332,500,000 APM (18.34%)

⠄User Reward: 362,500,000 APM (20%)

⠄Reserve: 181,250,000 APM (10%)

Token Release Plan

APM’s token vesting schedule starts from the date of APM’s first exchange listing date (14 Nov 2019); as of 15 June 2021 (the publication date of this post), the vesting plan by category is as follows. Please note that actual token vesting can be changed in accordance with market conditions and project operation:

⠄Sale: 1-month lock-up; vesting of 12 months — 2,500,000 APM/month released; all the tokens unlocked as of the publication date of this post

⠄Team: 12-month lock-up; all the tokens planned to be unlocked as of the publication date of this post

⠄Partner & Advisor: no lock-up

⠄Marketing: only 50% of APM in this category locked for 12 months; after the 12-month lock-up, the remainings planned to be unlocked

⠄Payment Pool: 12-month lock-up; vesting of 12 months; after then, the remaining planned to be unlocked — for 12-month vesting period, 15,043,750 APM/month planned to be released

⠄Global Expansion: 6-month lock-up; vesting of 20 years — after the 6-month lock-up, 60,537,500 APM released; in Nov 2020 and Nov 2021, 90,625,000 APM to be released respectively; after then, 5,437,500 APM planned to be released every November by Nov 2037; the remaining planned to be unlocked in Nov 2038

⠄User Reward: 12-month lock-up; vesting of 12 months — after the 12-month lock-up, 54,375,000 APM planned to released in Nov 2020 and 36,250,000 APM planned to be released in Nov 2021; after then, 18,125,000 APM planned to be released in every November by Nov 2034; 9,062,500 APM planned to be released in Nov 2035 and Nov 2038 respectively

⠄Reserve: 12-month lock-up; vesting of 12 months; after then, the remainings planned to be unlocked — for 12-month vesting period, 15,043,750 APM/month planned to be released

Circulating Supply

As of 15 June 2021, the date of this article posted, the circulating supply of APM is as follows:

⠄Planned: 1,019,987,500 APM

⠄Actual: 361,875,000 APM (Refer to the latest circulating supply on CoinMarketCap)

The circulating supply includes sales, partners & advisors, and third parties involved in marketing activities. The actual distribution volume is lower than the planned token distribution. apM coin project will continue to make efforts for smooth operation and sustainable growth of the project.

Disclaimer: Please be noted that the above token metrics are not final and may subject to change depending on unexpected circumstances as of the publication date. apM Coin can change or edit the contents related to this announcement without prior notice.

apM Coin Official Communication Channels

Website | Telegram Announcement Channel | Telegram Global Community(English)| Telegram Korean Community (Korean)| Twitter



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apM Coin

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