ANN | apM Members X ICP HUB Korea

apM Coin
apM Coin
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2024

We are pleased to announce that apM Members, a Web 3.0 rewards company, and ICP HUB Korea have signed a business agreement.

ICP HUB Korea is a specialized organization in charge of Web3-related business development, developer education, training, and hackathons on behalf of the Definity Foundation, attracting ICP-based domestic projects and talented developers and helping them integrate seamlessly into the on-chain environment. Recently, ICP is promoting the Olympus project, the world’s first on-chain Web3 acceleration platform, which provides an environment for founders, investors, mentors, and talents to collaborate in a diverse ecosystem.

apM Members is the IT partner of apM, apM PLACE, and apM Luxe, the largest B2B shopping mall in Korea and the center of the Dongdaemun B2B fashion market. Based on its core service called apM Members, apM Members is focusing on the on-chainization of offline infrastructure, including the launch of RAPM (apM Reward Layer) mainnet using apM Coin as a gas fee and the launch of RWA (Real World Asset) coupons based on a.point.

Through this collaboration, apM members will receive technical advice from ICP to accelerate the on-chainization of the ecosystem, thereby contributing to the expansion of ICP’s ecosystem. The two companies will strive to promote the development and expansion of the Web 3.0 ecosystem by combining their technical capabilities and networks through strategic cooperation, blockchain ecosystem expansion, and mutual marketing activities.



apM Coin
apM Coin

Blockchain-powered Customer Rewards Management Platform