ANN | Official position on the designate Investment Warning

apM Coin
apM Coin
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2023

Hello, this is apM Coin.

We would like to clarify our position on Bithumb’s designate Investment Warning. First of all, we would like to thank Bithumb for their continuous monitoring and commitment to the crypto ecosystem. We take the current situation seriously and intend to respond proactively and responsibly to our investors and the market.

This project is proceeding as normal according to the Q4 roadmap.
We are pleased to announce that we have completed the development of the business mainnet named ‘apM Reward Layer’ with a variable block time of 1 second to 10 minutes, and are also in the process of developing and internally verifying ‘Members Plus’, an integrated membership and reward solution that will drive the full on-chainization of apM Members reward assets.

The ‘apM Reward Layer’ and ‘Members Plus’ are designed for token staking and on-chain integration based on them, and you can learn more about them in our upcoming Medium article. In addition, the mainnet-related PoC nodes and production nodes are all publicly available on the project’s Github Repo.

In addition, I would like to mention that apM Members, a B2B app service with over 1,000 merchants and over 70,000 business members with high retention (live access and participation) of 50%, is in full operation. apM Members successfully demonstrated the first ERC-20 token-linked on-chain RWA (Real World Asset) in the offline market in Korea, demonstrating its unique blockchain technology.

We are preparing materials on our sustainability and eligibility to maintain trading support, including a bona fide call with supporting documentation.

We apologize to our apM coin holders and supporters for the concerns we’ve caused, and we’re committed to the growth of our mission and project.

Thank you.
apM Coin Team.

apM Coin Official Communication Channels

Website | Telegram Announcement Channel | Telegram Global Community(English) | Telegram Korean Community (Korean) | Twitter



apM Coin
apM Coin

Blockchain-powered Customer Rewards Management Platform