apM Members build on past achievements and embark on a journey to become an On-Chain service.

apM Coin
apM Coin
Published in
4 min readDec 19, 2023

Hello, this is apM Coin.

Starting with the successful digital transformation of the B2B offline apparel wholesale market, the apM Coin project has been growing with the tagline “Blockchain-powered Customer Rewards Management Platform”.

Through this announcement, we would like to introduce the achievements and limitations of the apM Coin Project in the Web 2 and Web 3 domains over the past year, and the future development direction to overcome the limitations.

apM Members is a core service that provides a customer reward service specialized for the B2B apparel wholesale market and a simple payment and reward solution based on QR codes. From 16,000 business members in November 2022 to more than 71,000 as of December 2023, the number of business members has increased by about 443%, and the global user share has increased by about 120% to 60% as the pandemic has become manageable, and we are continuously increasing our share. In addition to this scale growth, monthly retention has also remained very high at 40%.

The members of apM Members are mainly business members in the B2B offline market. The number of certifications for the offline reward ‘Shuttle Bus Boarding Pass’ has increased by 848% in about a year, from 8,600 in November 2022 to over 730,000 as of today.

In addition, apM e-Voucher, which were introduced to the wholesale market for the first time in Korea, successfully completed the first round of sales with a cumulative issuance amount exceeding KRW 9 billion, and during this process, it was also demonstrated that authenticated users can acquire and use apM e-Voucher using apM Coin.

EU privacy regulations are bringing many changes and difficulties to the targeted advertising market centered on big tech. June 12th 2023, the project has also been beta testing the ‘apM Ads’ targeted advertising platform for offline-based B2B user pools that have already been targeted based on the above figures.

In the Web 3 area, through various experimental and proactive challenges such as Klip official listings, service integration, Ethereum — Klaytn self-bridging via apM Bridge, and entering the Ton network in partnership with Ozys, Layer1 Total TXs have exceeded 120,000 and are more than doubling every year.

During the pandemic, the apM Coin project faced many challenges and difficulties. Amidst the changing market environment and regulatory pressures, we tried to explore new opportunities beyond our traditional scope. In this process, through various technical support and experiments, we attempted to build a new payment foundation utilizing blockchain technology. In particular, the conversion of apM e-Voucher into NFT-based real-world assets (RWA) received a lot of attention.

Rapidly changing market conditions and regulatory changes brought many challenges to the continuous operation of the developed services. Under these circumstances, apM members created unique and successful use cases in the Web2 B2B domain. However, the lack of connection to the Web3 domain remained a significant challenge.

As a solution, we experimented with various public and enterprise blockchains and explored new directions, inspired by the Ethereum community’s concepts of “account abstraction” and “account bonding tokens (soulbound tokens)”.

We built a protected mainnet for businesses called apM Reward Layer, and developed an abstraction module that connects this mainnet to Web 2 services, abstracting the accounts of all Web 2 participants to a CA and enabling On-Chain interaction with permission management in the form of SBTs. Soon, business operators will be able to instantly share service activation metrics with users On-Chain, without requiring a deep understanding of blockchain, and without hiding sensitive information.

As a first service based on this, we will introduce a membership rewards service called apM Members Plus, the alpha version of which will be rolled out to apM Members soon, marking an important step for our project as it embarks on a new challenge.

Starting with apM Members Plus, apM Members will be On-Chain step by step, and in the long run, we hope to showcase new possibilities for blurring the lines between Web 2 and Web 3. We hope you will join us on this journey as we explore new possibilities through the integration of Web 2 and Web 3. Thank you for your continued interest and participation in the apM Coin project.

Thank you.
apM Coin Team.



apM Coin
apM Coin

Blockchain-powered Customer Rewards Management Platform