#FYI_About_APM | How Can apM Members Mobile App Build a Strong Foundation for Growth in the Korea’s Leading B2B Fashion Malls?

apM Coin
apM Coin
Published in
4 min readOct 6, 2020

The growth of Korea’s largest B2B clothing shopping malls apM, apM PLACE and apM Luxe — as a leader of its market for more than 20 years — has led from the company’s market-focused strategic flexibility grasping the needs of customers and markets. For example, apM shopping malls changed their opening hours from 24-hour operation to overnight; for the first time in Dongdaemun B2B fashion market, the malls launched their own VIP customer service programme and opened an online B2B shopping mall. It is also a part of their strategic movement that apM Coin project’s customer rewards platform is to be adopted for the malls’ buyer customers and wholesale brands.

Read more🔎: #FYI_About_APM | Transition Has Been Happening: Wholesalers of apM Malls Embrace Shifts in the Non-contact B2B Clothing Market

More than 80% of apM Malls’ visitors are global buyers based outside Korea. Most of them are from Asia including China, Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand; recently, there is a growing number of Middle East-based buyers little by little. In addition, since the non-contact business pattern has expanded across industry from two or three years ago, social media influencers have grown their influence in a fashion B2B market as buyers. Chinese influencers a.k.a. Wanghong, especially, have taken a growing portion of the market whilst being regarded as unofficial brand ambassadors of apM wholesale fashion malls. Also, more buyers and wholesalers have communicated online via SNS platforms and online messengers, and have brought more non face-to-face business transactions in these B2B marketplaces.

apM Coin project’s customer reward service — which to be adopted to Korea’s largest B2B apparel malls apM, apM PLACE and apM Luxe — is provided to wholesalers and buyers through apM Members mobile application. apM shopping malls’ wholesalers and buyers can easily access the apM Coin’s service after installing the app on their own mobile or tablet PC. apM Members will support various languages including English and Chinese for global buyers. The app’s services will be user-friendly and relevant to the users, featuring easy-to-understand UX/UI; the services are designed to provide fast and efficient services so that thousands of business transactions between the wholesalers and buyers can be provided with the service benefits without any technical hassles.

Read more🔎: #FYI_About_APM | Touch! Touch! That’s All You Need to Use apM Coin’s Customer Rewards System!

apM Members app will present the user only customer benefits that meet the needs of key business persons in the B2B clothing markets — buyers and wholesalers. Under the objectives to secure more loyal users and encourage them to continuously use the app, the service will include purchasing apM e-vouchers, earning and redeeming customer rewards a.points, using free shuttle buses and getting free beverage coupons. The services will be developed and implemented based on in-depth business knowhow of apM shopping malls which have led Korea’s wholesale fashion market over two decades. Given that the market is quite responsive to word-of-mouth marketing, it is expected that the app can secure the increasing number of loyal users if the app-user-only services satisfy wholesalers and buyers alike.

Read more🔎: #FYI_About_APM | Here’re the Reasons that apM Members Are Loved by Wholesalers and Buyers of apM Shopping Mall!

For the wholesalers, they can use apM Coin project’s customer management system which allow them to manage their own customers as well as utilise integrated market data which is collected through apM Coin’s platform. The well-structured customer data can be used to set up their target market by brand and to implement more effective business strategy. Additionally, the wholesalers can manage their loyal customers, deliver their own brand events to the customers, and promote special brand-managed benefits to their loyal and regular customers via apM Members and the platform, which allow them to have more active contactless communication.

apM Coin project is a customer reward platform equipped with state-of-the-art technology including blockchain and big data management. The project’s service will be adopted in apM B2B fashion malls, aiming to encourage more active and efficient business transactions between the malls’ wholesalers and buyers. In accordance with the rise of non-contact trade in apM malls — Asia’s most popular B2B fashion malls and the leader of Korea’s B2B clothing markets — apM Coin project’s will strive to offer the technology services keeping the user satisfied while contributing to the malls’ growth.

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apM Coin
apM Coin

Blockchain-powered Customer Rewards Management Platform