A Walk in the Rain

When Sky Meets Earth

Apollo, Dreams, & Poetry
2 min readFeb 12, 2024


Image created by Author using leonardo.Ai

A Walk in the Rain

The first droplets land gentle, a staccato rhythm

Drip, drip, dripping from green leaves.

Gray sky dims the sun as clouds swell full,

Earth holds her breath in sweet suspense -

Will the downpour arrive?

Then, a whoosh through trembling branches-

The sky releases her bounty.

Cold rain soaks skin, channels trickle down my neck.

Mist rises wraithlike from thirsty soil.

Scent of petrichor intoxicates the air -

Nature’s perfume bottled in every raindrop.

Sound dissolves into a hazy din,

Feel only the storm’s heartbeat

As each plunking drop strikes its note-

A soulful hymn without words.

Water streaks blur the landscape,

Dissolving the lines between sky and earth.

Sudden stillness within the deluge-

Here, linear time ceases to exist.

A singular elongated moment,

Captured crystal clear in memory’s prism.

One with the elements, at peace amongst the chaos-

A serendipitous satori under rain-drenched skies.

As the clouds empty over the Land,

The veil parts for a glimpse of truth-

We are but ripples in a vaster current,

Ebbing, flowing in eternal rhythm

Until the sea calls us back once more.

Author’s Note: Content Crafter

This poem was inspired by my ritual of going for long, solitary walks in the rain. I find the experience deeply cathartic, almost spiritual in nature. As the first cold raindrops hit my shoulders, the outside world dissolves into a watery blur until all that remains is a quiet surrender to nature’s melody.

It is my deepest state of meditation — where inner silence meets nature’s symphony.



Apollo, Dreams, & Poetry

I'm a Wordsmith extraordinaire, crafting interesting content with humor sprinkled in. Let's go on a memorable writing adventure! https://contentcrafter.carrd.co