Salvador’s Home Coming

Written by: Ivy Rose Marsh

Ivy Rose Marsh
Apollo, Dreams, & Poetry
2 min readOct 12, 2023


AI art courtesy of Elenor Smith

Slowly extracting him from the big, plastic bin we brought

where I collected his bones from internment

from the place that was once mine

but is no longer.

Home now.

From the place of “broken dreams”

and isolation and devastation

and healing.

We brought the bin,

not knowing what we would find

in the wooden box where he had lain

for 5 years.

We were so happy that he made it that far.

We thought he would die before he could join us

in the new landscape.

But join us he did!

and loved it all

but especially

the cows.

In his old age, he would disappear

behind the chickenwire fence.

In a slight panic, I would go to find him.

I will never forget,

him sitting peacefully amongst the cows

observing them

like he was meant for them.

Their guardian Shepard.

I longed for him

and his bones,

As I had longed for his rough sandy coat

when alive.

Once someone said,

“Funny you named him Salvador, ‘Savior’

when it is you who have saved him.”

but I knew he was mine.

My Salvador, my Savior.

It was a pilgrimage of sorts, retrieving him.

The place I fled

and loved.

Now I extracted his bones from the bin.

This new land.

We sat under a large wind chime.

The sound of the bells flooding the air

tolling his return.

One by one,

I placed his bones into a wicker box

pausing with each, to remember him.

I am struck now by a memory

I am in 8th grade

I have a box of odd cups and glasses I am collecting from thrift stores

for the time I will move away.

It is hidden under my bed.

When someone comes over

I remove the box and proudly share my treasures.

I am sharing

my love, my hope, my innocence.

I now imagine removing the box,

the box of his bones,

and sharing my love, my hope

and my innocence

with anyone who will witness.

He is home now, with me

so there is nothing-

no excuse, no deflection,

to keep me from coming home





Ivy Rose Marsh
Apollo, Dreams, & Poetry

Eccentric, psychedelic therapist, cancer survivor,expert in being myself. I write to get it out. I believe we heal each other through sharing our vulnerability.