Seize the Moment

Find Happiness

Kanika A
Apollo, Dreams, & Poetry
1 min readApr 28, 2024


Just Look Around and Find Moments of Happiness and Peace (Self-clicked)

Never before have I felt so strongly that life is zooming away,

I don’t want to park living to the fullest for another day.

Splayed across each day are some creases, some twinkles,

I promise to smile at the small things and iron out the wrinkles.

The time is now when everything around me is a hazy swirl –

There is no perfection, no placidity, it’s all just a mixed whirl.

But in the midst of this all, my life has sprinkles of love and joy

For dearth of sublimity, the small things I’ll not destroy.

Life is happening and continuing in this very instant,

From woes and futile worries, I shall be distant.

I’ve come to realize that the fulcrum of my happiness lies within,

My smiles, my levity, on circumstances I shall not pin.

Some days I feel light, as if I’m floating above the futile and inane,

I want to continue in that state — not marred by despondency and disdain.

It’s the small things that add up and hold the key to blissful existence,

I am breathing, looking within and speaking with my conscience.

Written by: Kanika A.



Kanika A
Apollo, Dreams, & Poetry

Mother to a human & a dog baby | An HR professional | Shaped by Experiences and Reflections | Work in Progress | Passionate about Writing