Apollo Client [React]— How to Query on Click

Use the useLazyQuery hook!

Khalil Stemmler
Apollo GraphQL
2 min readFeb 24, 2020


Sometimes, you don’t want to fetch data right away- but instead, you’d like to fetch data manually in response to some sort of event, like a button click!

In this quick article, I’ll show you how to use the useLazyQuery hook to manually trigger client-side GraphQL queries.

Project setup & demo

We’re using Apollo Client 3 with React Hooks, and Trevor BladesCountries API.

You can find the entirety of the code in a Codesandbox here:

Fetching data in response to a click event

Here’s the relevant code sample, we import useLazyQuery from @apollo/client, write a GET_COUNTRIES query, and define the getCountries function that we use to invoke the query.

When the page first loads, it should look pretty empty as shown below.

A page with a button that, when pressed, will invoke a query.

But when you click the button, it should run the GET_COUNTRIES query and populate the data variable with a countries object containing the result of our query.

We can see that it worked because we’re presented with all the country names!

A mapped list of countries fetched after calling the GET_COUNTRIES query in response to a button click.

That’s it! That’s how to execute queries manually with @apollo/client .

For a more detailed explanation on how to use useLazyQuery , check out the docs on Executing Queries Manually.



Khalil Stemmler
Apollo GraphQL

Developer Advocate at Apollo GraphQL ⚡ Author of solidbook.io ⚡ Advanced TypeScript & DDD at khalilstemmler.com