Apollo is hiring!

Check out our full-time positions for technical content writer, frontend developer, site reliability engineer, and visual designer

Sashko Stubailo
Apollo GraphQL
4 min readMar 2, 2018


Back in January of 2016, I had the privilege of writing some of the first lines of code on the project that is now Apollo. Since those times, we’ve expanded the team dramatically to cover a variety of different functions: open source, product engineering, support, sales, marketing, and more.

2018 is going to be a huge year for GraphQL and Apollo. You can read about some of the main developments in 2017 in my article from before, but it’s only going to get crazier from there. So far, GraphQL has been a technology for people who are looking for the best new thing to use in their architecture. 2018 is going to be the year when it really hits the mainstream, and we’re excited to step our game up to empower this new generation of GraphQL developers.

We’re a small company, so every new hire is a big deal for us. And maybe for you! Perhaps you, the reader of this post today, or one of your friends, are just the right person for the role!

Here are some of the positions we’re looking to fill as soon as possible:

Technical content writer

As a developer tools company, we rely on written content in all aspects of our operation, and in fact our tools couldn’t be used at all if they weren’t well documented. Education is the main way we help people use Apollo and empower developers to achieve their goals.

Written communication is one of the main ways we interact with the community 🎉

In this role, you’ll work with engineers and product managers across the company to write, edit, and maintain the most critical written content Apollo produces, which is relied on by many thousands of developers every day. This includes the documentation for all of our tools and products, end-to-end educational experiences that help people get off the ground and build applications, blog content right here—on one of the most popular developer tools blogs in the world — and more.

Read the job description and apply here.

Frontend application engineer

Our goal is to make application development simpler and faster than ever before, so we care deeply about creating high-quality products with well-designed user experiences.

The Engine UI makes a wealth of data easy to access and understand, and there’s a ton of work to be done!

In this role, you’ll be working on building frontend components and data visualizations for our GraphQL insights tool, Apollo Engine. You’ll be using the most modern tools in web development and following the best practices of component-based frontend architecture. You’ll be working with a team that has a history of pioneering JavaScript tech and is pushing the boundaries of modern application development to improve how people develop software.

Read the job description and apply here.

Site reliability engineer

Our products are all about reducing the burdens of infrastructure deployment and management faced by today’s developers. This means that the services and products we build need to be solid and reliable enough for the even most discerning development teams.

Help us build out great metrics and monitoring!

As GraphQL takes off in the industry, we need to be ready to support data ingestion loads at huge volumes. As our customers grow GraphQL usage at their own companies, we need to grow our infrastructure as well.

Read the job description and apply here.

Visual designer

We need our brand, content, and marketing materials to communicate to our users and customers that we’re on a mission to simplify their work. At the same time, we need to present a professional appearance so that people feel great about building their most critical products on top of our infrastructure.

Want this site to be more appealing? We’ve got the role for you!

As a visual designer, you’ll work with a team of engineers and product managers to design the look and feel of our public image. This will include, in order of priority: marketing websites and materials, educational content, and visual product design.

Read the job description and apply here.

If you’ve got a question about any of these roles and want to learn more before you take the plunge to apply, please feel free to email me at sashko@apollographql.com to learn more. If you’re in SF, I’m happy to meet up and get coffee just to chat as well, or we can jump on a video call sometime. Let’s get pumped for a huge 2018!



Sashko Stubailo
Apollo GraphQL

engineer at @stripe. previously open source eng manager at @apollographql and @meteorjs, https://github.com/stubailo