Exploring the Connection: Autophagy and Parkinson’s Disease

Apollo Health Ventures
Apollo Health Ventures Insights


Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is the second-most common neurodegenerative disease, affecting more than 10 million people worldwide. While the exact cause of Parkinson’s remains elusive, scientists have made significant progress in understanding the role of autophagy in Parkinson’s, a cellular process of recycling, in its development and progression.

In this article, we will delve into the latest research on autophagy and its intricate relationship with PD.

Understanding Autophagy and its Link with PD

Autophagy is a vital cellular process involved in maintaining cellular homeostasis by recycling damaged proteins and organelles. It acts as a cellular cleaning system, ensuring the removal of dysfunctional components and promoting cell survival. Through autophagy, cells can adapt to stress, maintain energy balance, and prevent the accumulation of harmful substances.

In recent years, scientists have uncovered a strong link between autophagy dysfunction and PD. In patients with PD, autophagy is impaired, leading to a buildup of cellular debris, including toxic proteins, particularly alpha-synuclein. These protein aggregates, known as Lewy bodies, are a hallmark of PD and contribute to neuronal dysfunction and cell death. They disrupt the delicate balance within neurons, impairing communication between them and leading to PD’s characteristic motor and non-motor symptoms. The accumulation of alpha-synuclein is believed to induce oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and inflammation, further exacerbating neuronal damage.

In addition, scientists have recently discovered that other brain cells of PD patients, including microglia and astrocytes, also have impaired autophagy. This impairment means they cannot perform their roles properly, leading to the accumulation of cellular debris between brain cells, inflammation, and changes in the nutritional balance of neurons. Thus, a vicious cycle forms creating a hostile environment for neurons to heal, ultimately leading to their demise.

Understanding precise molecular processes that lead to impaired autophagy is of utmost importance to address it therapeutically.

Autophagy is a multi-step process starting with forming a membrane around cell components (incl. proteins, lipids, mitochondria etc.) that need to be degraded. The degradation is followed by fusion with the lysosome, a membrane-enclosed vesicle containing enzymes to break down and digest the engulfed content.

Dysfunction of lysosomes, in particular, has been discovered to be a critical part of PD pathology and other neurodegenerative disorders. Hence, targeting lysosomal dysfunction holds a strong therapeutic promise and is an exciting avenue for drug development in neurodegeneration and beyond.

Potential Therapeutic Avenues in Revitalizing Autophagy for PD

PD is a progressive neurological disorder characterized by the degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. This degeneration reduces dopamine levels, causing motor symptoms such as tremors, rigidity, and bradykinesia (slowness of movement). Non-motor symptoms, including cognitive impairment and mood disorders, may also manifest in the later stages of the disease.

Currently, treatment options for PD focus on alleviating symptoms and managing disease progression, not prevention or rehabilitation.

Given the crucial role of autophagy in PD, researchers are exploring therapeutic approaches to restore or enhance autophagic processes. By stimulating autophagy, it may be possible to improve the clearance of toxic protein aggregates, prevent their further build up and protect neurons from degeneration.

For several reasons, small molecules (chemical compounds) lend themselves very well to specific induction of autophagic processes.

Therapies for PD and other neurodegenerative diseases need to penetrate the brain efficiently and in suitable amounts. That is typically quite challenging but easier to achieve with small molecules than biologics such as antibodies or gene therapy. In addition, small molecules could work on multiple fronts simultaneously by inducing autophagy in nerve cells as well as other non-neuronal cells in the brain. Such a holistic approach to addressing autophagy dysfunction in the brain holds great promise in re-establishing the delicate balance that keeps brain cells cooperating and thriving.

Built on these scientific insights, drug developers have been exploring different approaches to stimulate autophagy in PD. A particularly promising avenue is developing drugs targeting lysosomes, a crucial component of the autophagy process, and restoring their functionality.

The first compounds doing so are expected to enter clinical trials in 2024 already. Samsara Therapeutics, an Apollo Health Venture Creation, and others, including e.g., Caraway Therapeutics, have drugs targeting the lysosomal protein TRPML1 in their pipeline. Other companies are developing compounds targeting additional lysosomal targets, e.g., the enzyme GCase, highlighting the rich space for drug development autophagy and lysosomes offer.

Potential Challenges and Benefits

Inducing autophagy for PD treatment poses challenges in finding precise drug candidates with minimal off-target effects. However, the benefits of enhancing autophagy could be groundbreaking — clearing toxic aggregates, slowing disease progression, and potentially paving the way for preventive medicine.

One potential concern is that excessive autophagy induction may lead to unintended consequences, disrupting cellular processes and causing harm. Striking the delicate balance between boosting autophagy for therapeutic purposes and avoiding adverse effects requires rigorous preclinical and clinical investigations.

In addition, understanding the interplay between autophagy inducers and existing PD drugs is essential. Combination therapies may hold promise in tackling both the underlying causes and symptomatic aspects of the disease, ultimately offering a more comprehensive treatment approach.

Towards Preventive Medicine

One of the most exciting prospects of enhancing autophagy is its potential to pave the way for preventive medicine.

Emerging scientific evidence suggests that autophagy and lysosomal dysfunction can be detected in individuals decades before they develop any symptoms of neurodegeneration. Identifying high-risk individuals, such as carriers of specific genetic mutations or those with a family history of PD, and intervening early with autophagy inducers could potentially prevent or delay disease onset.

By addressing the root causes of PD before neurodegeneration takes hold, we can potentially shift the paradigm of PD management from reactive symptom relief to proactive disease prevention. This shift in focus holds immense promise for improving the quality of life for millions of people worldwide and transforming the landscape of neurodegenerative disease treatment.


The intricate relationship between autophagy and Parkinson’s Disease is just beginning to unfold.

As discoveries progress, Apollo Health Ventures will remain at the forefront, fostering cutting-edge research and transformative therapies to unravel the workings of neurodegeneration. By understanding the link between autophagy and PD, we hold the key to unlocking groundbreaking treatments that could change lives and create a brighter future for those affected by this age-related disease.


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