Senses Awakened

Post-reading ritual

Anthi Psomiadou


Photo source: the author’s smartphone 😝

Madrugada sing “Quite emotional now”
in whispers that sound continual,
and my senses are awakened
within my post-reading ritual.

My body yearns toward you,
as I hold you in my hands
after an hour that I spent
tiptoeing on your papery lands.

Nostrils in euphoria
as I inhale the volatile compounds
that your materials release;
wonderful breathing rounds.

Fingertips on your “skin”.
I slowly close my eyes
to fully immerse into the experience
as the reading cycle “dies”.

You have nothing to fear,
when it comes to your e-antagonist.
E-books have their value, but
they‘ll never be my reading protagonist.

The words alone are not enough.
Reading is a wider experience.
More sides of me need to participate,
away from the limitations of the glass fence.



Anthi Psomiadou

Writing, Life Coaching, Criminology, and more. But I simply do these, I am not these. I just am. Born and living in Greece (in both Ancient and modern…)