Sins have lessons for the ardent sinner in the same way that virtues have lessons for the ardent “saint”
If you choose to sin, do it wholeheartedly.
If you choose non-sin, try it wholly.
Both of the paths are metamorphotic;
“semi-choosing” makes them catastrophic.
“Morning Coffee Quatrains” are the response to
“What’s the main thing around which my mind swirls right now?”.
A prompt from my self to my self, while drinking my morning coffee
(even if the “publish” button is pushed later).
Taking responsibility for our choices is definitely metamorphotic.
Playing hide-and-seek with ourselves is the act of immature minds and hearts.
We are afraid to “see”.
Because seeing changes everything.
Seeing uproots identities.
We will see, though.
We will.
It’s our destiny.
(Oh, how I love us humans!
We will make this world flourish in the end, even though it seems that we will do the opposite.)