A Toast to Letting Go — Day 2 — As Life Happens | By Vindya Vithana

Vindya Vithana
Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2017

After a whole week of pouring rainy mornings, I woke up to the silence of a day that promised lots of sunshine.

My left hand automatically went to the fancy leather-bound notebook I bought the other day, just to jot down the things that I have to do. I like the feel of it in my hand.

Yesterday had not been the most productive day, although I did cross out 4 of the 6 things I’ve carefully written under the underlined date. Mondays are overrated anyway!

My coffee doesn’t taste as good as yesterday, but then it could just be because of the lack of rain and the chill that complements so well to the warmth of the coffee.

A quick glance at my calendar says that today I won’t have time to sit back with my feet up and browse memes during the day. It’s still a little past 5am in the morning. The day is long and I have time.

So today, I think I will write about Letting Go.

And no, I do not mean letting go of the things you love. That is not my style.

I have never been a fan of the saying, “if you love someone, let them go.” Why would you do that? I think if you love someone, you have to keep them close — that is what I do, at least.

I am writing about Letting Go of the things that you don’t love. Things that drain your energy, things that disturb your peace, things that do not vibe with your rhythm, things that somehow do not feel right.

Too many people hold on to the things that make their life difficult just for some sense of security. Too many people wake up every day, snooze their alarms just too many times just because they have to work on a job that does not provide them with any excitement, joy or at least a decent enough paycheck to afford what really makes them happy.

Of course, not everyone has the privilege to just let go everything that does not go the way they wish, however, at least acknowledge your unhappiness and try to treat yourself kindly. If you sit back and just accept suffering and unhappiness as a way of life, you are ridding yourself of the possibilities that can actually bring true happiness to your life. You can Let Go. You are allowed to Let Go.

It could be a life situation, a toxic friend, an unfulfilling relationship, a boring job, an old grudge… you are in control of your life, and you have the power to let go.

If you do not treat yourself kindly, if you do not take care of yourself, if you do not shield yourself from constant negativity, no one else will be able to do that for you.

Take a deep breath and know that there really is nothing that is worth holding onto which cause you pain, suffering, discomfort, and unhappiness.

Here’s to Letting Go…




Vindya Vithana

I write about tech, mobile and startups by day, and by night I chase fluttering pieces of literary prose.