Apocalyptic Arts: Finally!! NFTs!!!

APO yield
Published in
5 min readApr 11, 2021

The probability of Apocalypse cannot be realistically estimated, but it is surely too high and beautiful for any sane person to contemplate with equanimity.

Here ye mortals, Here is an introduction you don’t see everyday:

Art and Music! Enjoy! 👻🤘

Credits to Luscious Duncan 🤘 and Bakuryu 👻

Welcome Skeletons, Ghost, Horsemen, Ghouls! Any immortal being is Welcome you art lover!


Keeping a precious memory, even after the destruction of the earth, is now something more than possible! Without a doubt, our original art possesses exclusive properties and characteristics of the last time on earth with the existence of souls, which make these elements even more valuable and coveted.

In order to awaken interest and passions in our community, always following the objectives set in our roadmap, we are pleased to announce with a high emotional level that our original pieces now have life!!!

We officially inaugurate the Non-Fungible Token of Apoyield Soul !!!!!

RamdomSOULS is our first series and therefore the most important, You must never forget this, it has a random characteristic within the BSC network

We will detail the technical aspects of this open secret that is now a magic come true :

Algorithmic Pricing Details In exchange for SOUL or DSL our collectors
pay to mint a randomly generated randomSOULS piece based on the
hardcoded price formula (using a curve). The more randomSOULS in
existence, the more expensive it becomes to mint the next randomSOUL.
As a randomSOUL collector (SOULdier), you can choose to burn your
piece at any time, yet only the Legendary rarity randomSOUL will bring huge rewards. But be quick, there are no fixed rewards. Whoever is
first takes the entire pool. If your purchase was with DSL — you get
the entire DSL reward pool, the same goes for SOUL purchases. If there are
more randomSOULS in circulation, then the floor price of your piece
will be higher. Each purchase increases the mint price by 0.25%. But
why, in Van Gogh’s name, would you want to burn your priceless

The price curve is nonlinear, starting at 0.075 BNB (in SOUL or
DSL) for a randomSOULS piece. Each new piece increases the price
by 0.25%.

SOUL: 10% is burnt, 10% goes to the reward pool, 75% goes to the
treasury, 5% goes to our dear designer @pkostek
DSL: 80% is burnt, 20% goes to the liquidation contract.

There exists 6 colours, with #3b2921, #e8d223, #bd2d1c, #406f94 , #c86c21 , #499440 #4fa59a, #995790 The colours are chosen from the first 9 bytes of a psuedo-randomly generated 32 byte hash.
randomSOULS come in 4 rarities :

— — — — — — Common (63.28%) — — — — — —

— — — -—— —Un-Common (25.39%)— — — — —

— — — -- —- -— Rare (10.16%)— — — — — —

—-— — -— -— LEGENDARY (1.17%) — — — — — —

A maximum of 524 288 (4*4*8⁵) potential combinations can thus exist.
Duplicates are possible with different hashes.
Your art is protected and yours for life (unless you burn it). Every randomSOUL is stored as its hash on BSC and can be auto-generated directly from the smart contract into an SVG blob. Thus, if this website goes away, you would always be able to own and view your randomSOUL.

It uses the ERC721 NFT standard and uses the ‘image_data’ field from OpenSea to enable the metadata to be more readily viewed by others (as opposed to directly pulling it from BSC).
It also uses the default “image” metadata allowing support for multiple wallets to display the tokens.

NOTE: This code is currently *unaudited*. Caution is advised unless you want to take the risk. However, like all great art, we hope to be around for centuries.

randomSOUL X Dapp.com x Lootex.io


On this day: 04/07/2021 randomSOUL NFT listed @ DAPP.com. For every Dapp review at https://dapp.com/app/saoulrandom and for every retweet of this tweet — 10 $DSL will be burned. To buy our NFT kindly visit: https://nft.apoyield.com

Art ye Skeletons?

@LootexIO is a great-looking NFT marketplace. Now it also enables you to list your APOYield NFTs on their platform! Buy and Sell!

The Beauty of Apocalypse!!!!

Check out this cool Video by Alexandrus about Apoyield.com and Apoyield’s NFTS!

By time, Apoyield $Soul will take control of the Defi ecosystem and the NFT market, thanks to the magical tokenization that is led by our great Dark Lord, preserving the art that will last in time after the Apocalypse.

Skeletons and Dark Horsemen will burn everything!!!!!!

#randomSOUL #SOULdiers #NFT #BSC

Don’t waste time and join the legion of reapers and Souldiers who seek to obtain a rare or legendary piece to inherit eternal salvation.

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