What has been and what’s to come? #1

Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2021

Hello SOULdiers! It has been a long time since we have updated you on our plans. At the launch, our ambitions were quite different than what we have right now. We have started as a community token with a 2% burn and 8% reward share among the users- pressured by “investors” we have rushed the launch of inhouse yield farms. This led to a mistake in the code (finished in the middle of the night) causing a huge loss of $SOUL deposited by our community in the so-called $SOUL pool. We have reimbursed 173 users for a total of 272,575,716.5 $SOUL — at the same time losing most of the funding of our project.

Funds locked in Tenet farm contract.

When it comes to losing funds — we are good at it. Believe me. Another 811,066,000,000 $SOUL is locked forever in the Tenet farming contract because the contract does not take into account any special features like reward reflection, burning, etc. We’ve tried to reason with Tenet officials, only to learn it is our fault that our token supports functionalities not taken into account while the farm code has been written.

But let’s not focus only on the bad things, for the last 2 months we’ve partnered with several wonderful projects (you can find the details both in our gitbook and in this medium). HODLEARN, HyruleSwap, ApeSwap, Astronaut ($NAUT), Degenerate Money, BlueSwap, Slime, yBear, Cabinz, HyperJump, Magikarp, theLab, fiscus.Fyi, TreasureLand, Lootex, and MoonStar!

Together with degenerate.money we’ve launched DEGENR/SOUL farms allowing our communities to farm both $DSL and exclusive NFTs on degenerate.money website.

We’ve started a cooperation with fiscus.fyi to allow our users further utility of both $SOUL and $ DSL in the most pleasurable way — fun (should I say gambling ?).

We have launched our own random NFT minter and the first collection of NFTs consisting of several thousand NFTS possible to be minted on-demand — with a 0.1% price increase after each buy(trading on lootex.io and treasureland).

One of the most important partnerships came to us by a coincidence (as most fun stuff in life) — Cabinz.finance — a crypto charity project focused on :

building homes for street families from Dapitan City, in Southern Mindanao, The Philippines using crypto from #DeFi farming operations.

These may seem like nothing more than a large garden shed to many people in the developed world but what they offer is hope. Hope that their future life is going to be a better chapter than the last.

Our Cabinz are more than a home they are a seed for a better future!

Exclusively for Cabinz we have started a separate farm contract yielding Cabinz native token $PLZ as the reward.

