What has been and what’s to come? #3 — Game

Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2021

Game Description

The world has been shrouded by darkness and evil is lurking from every corner. Forces controlled by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are trying to wipe out the human race from the surface of the Earth. Your city has been under siege for too many days you could count. Every night hoards of vile
monsters are storming the gates to slaughter the survivors fighting with their last strength. It falls on you to organize what’s left of your people and push back the armies of the Horsemen!

In the game you will be managing the city to enforce defenses, raise new buildings, and most importantly gather men of courage who will be willing to step outside of your haven and venture on a mission to fight the monsters in their own nests.

All cities startup with the tavern ran by a former Inquisitor. This place holds all daredevils traveling these vile lands in search of the coin. You can hire these men for the right price, equip with any weapons you have in your armory and send them to fight the war that humanity was losing for far too long.

Horsemen chased by The Inquisitor

Every player will be surrounded by multiple biomes of varying difficulty which are controlled by the enemy. Your heroes will attack these biomes to slay their warlord.

Once you send your party to fight the righteous cause you will be able to send them back to the city if your adventure is not going as you would have hoped. Every adventure will have a set number of fights after which you will be able to take on the boss. Between battles, you will be able to take a moment to breathe and heal your heroes or bring them back to the base.

Sometimes after a battle, some treasures will be left after the monster fall. But beware! If you push your heroes too far they can be defeated! For a few times, they will be able to flee (leaving their equipment behind) but if you push them too far then even the mightiest warrior can fall to forces of evil.
Dead heroes can be revived in the city cemetery but they need to be brought back to the city first…

Loop Hero Game (https://www.pcgamesn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/loop-hero-roguelike-dnd-game-1.jpg)

As your stronghold grows and your heroes are better equipped to fight the armies of the Horsemen you will slowly reclaim your homeland from evil’s grasp.

Alpha Version

Before we will be able to bring you our complete vision of the game we will start with the alpha version. In this iteration, you will be one of the random evil warlords fighting your way through the land to find a place where you can base your camp and begin to conquer neighboring lands.

Exemplary Pixel Art Cards not APO related (https://www.pinterest.com/drakeklemme/tcg-ideas/)

The game will be limited to only a handful of biomes which you will storm similarly as in our complete game, yet without the map. There will not be any city to manage but there will be a merchant who will be able to sell or buy your hero cards (or redeem V1 cards for V2).

If you take part in alpha you will be fighting your warlord as the final boss in the complete version of the game!

PS. Game mechanics are subject to change :)

