7 Reasons Why React Native Is the Right Choice for Mobile App Development

Daffodil Software
App Affairs
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2017

JavaScript libraries are the boon companions of developers. From server-side programs to web page control, they have done an accomplished job for the web world. And to add magic to it, Jordan Walke, a software engineer at Facebook developed ReactJS, which is an open-source JavaScript library for developing web user interface.

While these JS libraries were doing all good to the web industry, little did we know that they would be the star of the mobile development world as well. In 2015, Facebook introduced React Native, a JavaScript framework (based on React) for building user interfaces, but instead of web, it targets the mobile. This new technology uses JavaScript and XML-esque markup, known as JSX to develop mobile application interface.

Currently, React Native development offers support for Android and iOS platforms, which indeed covers over 95% of the mobile app world. Not only this, but there are some amazing facts supporting the potential of this wonderful technology. So, let’s get started and dig deeper. Shall we?

  1. Cross-Platform Code Iteration

When a native app is developed, the incompatible behavior of different platforms is a huge challenge. For example: When developing native iOS app, you cannot send a SMS directly by using the platform API, until the native platform SMS application is launched to the user. On the other hand, sending a SMS directly through the platform API is possible. This testify to the fact that native applications bring the burden of defining a new logic for every platform.

Opting for React Native development indicates that a set of code developed for Android can work for iOS as well. The code written for one platform can be shared and used on another platform, which means an app for Android and iOS can be developed simultaneously.

2. Say Good Bye to Recompiling

React Native is nothing but JavaScript. This gives relaxation from rebuilding the entire app to get the changes reflected in it. All that’s needed is the combination of Command+R for refreshing the app, just like it happens on a web page. So all those minutes that are being spent on waiting for the app rebuilding can now be utilized more productively. Also, this will make developers more open to experimenting with the code.

3. Do Big Things with Small Team

React Native development company holds the power to deliver the best, even when there is shrinkage in resources for developing mobile apps. Any developer with the knowledge of JavaScript and React can get started with Android or iOS development, making it possible for the team to share knowledge and resources efficiently.

4. Native Code is Welcome, Anytime

When building an app with React Native, it is easy and possible to combine with the components that are written in Java, Swift, Objective-C, .NET, or any other programming language. This way, the app’s efficiency can be optimized according to the requirement. A part of app can be built on React and a part using the native code. That’s how it works.

5. App Revision with Less Review Cycles

Alongside other benefits that are shared above, React Native app development also improves the product review cycles. For example: Any JavaScript changes to the iOS app can be made on air and the review cycle will remain unaffected.

6. Get Set for Easy UI Development

Unlike other Javascript libraries like AngularJS or MeteorJS, ReactJS focuses only on UI building. The resultant is responsive and interacts seamlessly with the hybrid environment, which makes app loading faster than the usual hybrid apps. A better user experience with smooth UI can be served to the users.

7. Better Development Experience

  • With React Native, you get the advantage of error reporting and debugging tools. So, for example: If you are familiar with developer tools for Chrome or Safari, the same can be utilized for mobile development.
  • The option to integrate third party plugin means there is less reliance up on the web-view for some crucial functionalities to be embedded to the app.
  • The API functionality can range from data storage to location services to accessing hardware components of the device like camera.

Using React Native for App Development: The Bottom Line

Surely, React Native is an amazing framework that makes mobile app development simpler using the existing know-how of JavaScript. The caliber of this technology for developing mobile apps can be estimated from the fact that some of the popular and high scale apps like Instagram, Airbnb, Tesla, Walmart, Vogue etc. uses it.

Also, Facebook has made a stable release of React in April 2017, freeing it from the risks and making it more powerful. Its ability for faster app development, code sharing for cross-platforms without compromise with user experience gives it a worth consideration certificate for mobile app development.

This post is an info sharing source, an add-on to Daffodil’s app development blog, wherein we regularly share the trending stories from the tech-territory of mobile and web.

Daffodil Software builds mobile, IoT, and web solutions that are intuitive, reactive, and agile.



Daffodil Software
App Affairs

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