7 Important Flutter Widgets That Every Developer Should Know

Flutter Knowledge Sharing #42

Geno Tech
App Dev Community


Up to now, I have discussed 41 topics in Flutter. Would you please go through my medium articles and make sure you know those topics in Flutter? From my point of view, Flutter is the most engaging and easy to adopt cross-platform development framework nowadays. Developers also prove it as I read and when comparing with other Flutter competitors. The main building block of Flutter is widgets. Here I discussed ten built-in Flutter widgets. Everything in an application has organized as a widget tree. You can understand the basics in Flutter easily. So widgets are more critical if we learn Flutter. Let’s go to the following widgets.

Inkwell widget

flutter provides the inkwell widget to add the ripple animation, creating a rectangular material that responds to touch. Inside the body, you can add any component, and that whole area will be touchable. You need to use color to see the ripple effect when you tap on the Inkwell. I am showing an example below. Flutter has few built-in responsive widgets. This is one of them.

body: Center(
child: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
new Material(
onTap: () {
setState(() {…



Geno Tech
App Dev Community

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