Flutter Architecture: Every Flutter Programmer Should Know

Flutter Knowledge Sharing #19

Geno Tech
App Dev Community


Welcome to my next Flutter knowledge sharing story about Flutter architecture. Nowadays, Flutter is the number one cross-platform which is highly popular these days. Flutter has been building software that runs across multiple platforms, not only for mobile development. Flutter is everywhere. Users being able to take different experience in different kind of devices and platforms(mobile web, desktop etc). And being able to run in every platform using one codebase in Dart Programming language. This is important to gather your customers in different platforms as a startup company or a business. The result is the consistency of experience and quality is at best. Without limited sacrifices, you can achieve these results with Flutter. This is exactly the value proposition to use this language in Flutter.

In this story, I am going to discuss Flutter architecture. Flutter everything’s a widget and that building blocks of this. Flutter has widgets which design at the basic level and we can create also customized widget for our own purpose. We are using four layers mainly with Flutter in the day today as developers. They will be discussing in details here.

Flutter consists of four components mainly.

  1. Flutter Engine



Geno Tech
App Dev Community

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