Flutter/SQFlite Crud Application Tutorial Within 3 Minutes

Geno Tech
App Dev Community
Published in
6 min readJan 22, 2021


I will explain how to develop a CRUD application using Flutter mobile development framework and Sqlite Database. I will describe every signal point you want to know as a flutter developer. This is one of the basic knowledge which any mobile developer getting to know at their beginner level. Also, other flutter expertise can refresh their knowledge in Flutter. Cool !!!

In my flutter developer journey, I will share my experience and knowledge as much as possible. Therefore follow me for more tech articles in Flutter. I recommend every beginner need to know about a few functionalities of mobile apps such as Activities, Fragments, CRUD operations, Firebase integration, how to develop an API and connect to databases etc. This is one of the critical functionality you must know as a Flutter Engineer. The main advantage here is you can clarify and also you can implement the application to verify your knowledge. Let’s continue with developments.

First, you want to create a new flutter application. Here I used the Android Studio as my IDE, but you can use the VS code or any Flutter development IDE. I will show you every step you need to achieve our goal. Finally, you would implement an application, which has the functionalities with data insert, read, delete and update.



Geno Tech
App Dev Community

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