Flutter SQLite Crud Operations With Flutter Sqflite Plugin

Flutter Knowledge Sharing #57

Geno Tech
App Dev Community


Image: Flutter SQLite Crud Operations

Here we are discussing another important topic of our Flutter knowledge-sharing journey. Here I no need to tell the value of the Flutter cross-platform framework again and again. It is mainly for building Android and IOS applications with Dart. For all local SQL storage purposes, Flutter has introduced the sqflite plugin. So we can achieve all the local storage-related functions through that plugin, and this article will show you how we perform all create, read, update and delete data into SQLite storage.

This will be a comprehensive guide for you. Here are the steps that you want to follow.


Before starting a new project, you need to have the Flutter development environment on your computer.

Create a new Flutter project

Here I am going to create just a simple application to show you the functionalities. So for that, we create a new Flutter application first.

Setup Sqflite Plugin

Adds the required sqflite plugin into your project as below.

sdk: flutter
sqflite: ^2.0.2+1



Geno Tech
App Dev Community

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