Let’s Go Back to Grade One in Mobile Development

Geno Tech
App Dev Community
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2021

Mobile Development knowledge sharing…

This piece is an introduction to mobile development. If you are an expert in mobile development or a beginner, no matter who, you can read this just for your knowledge. These days, we have so much to do with our mobile phones (Not only for communication). Sometimes I believe that someones’ life is more complicated with mobile phones. But definitely, we have to use a phone.

As a Software Engineer, I was started with Java + Android Studio for developing native Android applications. Now, I am having 5+ years of experience in mobile development. Then I began to learn Flutter last year. But I have worked on only one Flutter App. Other than, In Medium, I have written 50+ articles about Flutter. So here I explain mobile development using the Android operating system. So many achievements I have got in here. Those are unforgettable in my life as a developer. I will explain those in the following articles. I am pretty sure and Those experiences will influence your career.

We can see many Open-source platforms to develop mobile applications. Android is one of them. Wikipedia saying,

Android Inc. was founded in Palo Alto, California, in October 2003 by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears, and Chris White.

Mobile developing languages have two types as Native and Cross-Application development. Nowadays, we can develop apps by using so many programming languages. Some of them are,

  • JAVA
  • Kotlin
  • C++
  • C#
  • Python
  • Dart
  • Swift
  • Objective-C

In Android, first only has the JAVA support. But then, At Google I/O 2017, Google announced the Kotlin as a support language of Android.

Therefore, Now allows the developers to write the code in the JAVA and Kotlin language that utilizes the google libraries, but it doesn’t support the native codes.

What are we do with these applications? Human beings have five sense organs, i.e., eyes, ear, nose, tongue, and skin. The telephone was invented first by Sir. Alexander Graham Bell, to send messages that can be captured only by ears. But in modern technology, a mobile phone has been developed to capture all signals and sensors by five sensors that I mentioned above. That’s the ultimate goal of these mobile devices and applications. More generally, we use these applications for daily purposes such as gaming, shopping, businesses, Social media, chatting, etc. We can easily communicate with each other by using calls, SMS, and the internet.

All update day by day

By coming new technologies in mobile devices, Android is also updating regularly with the latest versions. These main updates the operating system by adding new features to provide a more comfortable environment to the users. The latest version of Android OS is 11, called “Red velvet cake.”

What are the common use cases in Applications?

Before being a good developer, you need to study the prominent use cases and achieve those. These are language-independent. Everyone should have an idea about each of these. Some of them I mentioned below.

  1. Splash Screens
  2. Sign in and Sign up
  3. List Views
  4. Dynamic data handling
  5. CRUD operations with Backend
  6. Asynchrounous operations
  7. Notifications
  8. Payment method integration
  9. UI designing and implementing
  10. Deployments

What are the Benefits of Mobile App Development?

First, you have a vast audience to promote your application. If we think about the developers’ approach to app development, developers have many choices to select which framework or language will use. Also, the job opportunities and the payments are comparatively not less than other developers as well as the number of possibilities is increasing daily. You can completely visualize and test your user journey before you deploy it. Unlike in web development, You can provide more customizable products to users by adding attractive features to your application.

This is not the End…

I hope you have read and grabbed some points of my view about mobile development. Let’s continue the discussion with your valuable ideas. Also, add a comment on your great ideas or ask questions about this story in the response section below.

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App Dev Community

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