Selection Algorithms

Ready for your next interview today #6

Geno Tech
App Dev Community


In this story, I discuss selection algorithms. It’s very important when you are doing your assignments, programming, and when developing applications. Moreover, this will use in your next interview. Nowadays, interviewers check your knowledge along with algorithms and data structures definitely. Therefore, If you read this and get in to know everything carefully, I hope it will help you in future. Cool !!!

What are selection algorithms?

This is the algorithm for finding the k-th smallest / largest number in a list/array such a number is called the k-th order statistic. For example, we would find the maximum, minimum or median etc. The last aim to achieve O(N) linear time complexity for this particular operation. They are some methods to achieve this problem such as quick selection, the median of medians methods…

Before we go to the selection algorithm, we want to explore how the selection algorithm is comparing with the following scenarios. Let’s discuss them and get an idea about each one.


Before we select the item, we want to sort the array. Therefore, let’s dort the array in which we want to find the given item. After sorting, we can access the item with the help of the index. For…



Geno Tech
App Dev Community

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