These 10 Flutter Widgets Every Developer Should Know(2)

Flutter Knowledge Sharing #21

Geno Tech
App Dev Community


Now I have discussed Flutter in 20 stories. This is another step of the Flutter journey. I believe that you need to practise Flutter day by day to keep in touch. Otherwise new and best practices you will miss. When you have this knowledge about widgets, that knowledge you can use in future. We know that Flutter is fully supported to customize our applications, but It also based on our knowledge about Flutter. If you are hoping to be the best developer in Flutter, This will help you definitely. Here I explained ten widgets that comes built-in with Flutter SDK. I have nothing to say more. Also, we have to save time which is most important. Now, let us discuss the topic.

Widgets, Widgets, Widgets?

  1. ClipRRect
  2. Hero
  3. CustomPaint
  4. Tooltip
  5. FittedBox
  6. LayoutBuilder
  7. AbsorbPointer
  8. Transform
  9. Align
  10. Positioned

Let us discuss this one by one with examples and someones with the functionality. I hope you will get an idea about these widgets.




Geno Tech
App Dev Community

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