Adapting Your Strategy to User Engagement Patterns

App Annie
App Insights
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2016

Below are some key highlights from this report:

  • US Android Phone users spent 40% more time in their apps overall in 2015. (Other major metrics like daily sessions, session length and data consumption also rose.)
  • Younger users aged 13–24 spent the most time in apps but had the shortest sessions. See how you can adapt to this group’s usage patterns.
  • 25–44-year-olds are engaging more with apps and are both proven spenders and tech-savvy. Read our tips for targeting this segment effectively.
  • Users aged 45+ contributed more than 60% of overall consumer spend in the US, but accessed apps the least. See how to design around this usage pattern and increase engagement for this segment.

When you design an app, you have certain kinds of users in mind. But, even if you’ve conducted surveys and user tests, you’re missing critical aggregate information. At App Annie, our data lets us dig into user behavior at the country and app store level so you can monitor trends and, more importantly, craft an app experience for your ideal users.

Should you design your app for shorter, quicker sessions? Are you pushing notifications to your users the best way? What are the opportunities — and challenges — your app may face among different user segments? We looked at app usage across three user age groups in the US — 13–24 year olds, 25–44 year olds and those over 45 — and have research-backed suggestions for each.

Pair this report’s findings with your survey and test results and you’ll have the information you need to rest easy, knowing that you’re designing an app your users will keep coming back to.

Originally published at on March 24, 2016.



App Annie
App Insights

App Annie is the industry’s most trusted mobile data and analytics platform. App Annie’s mission is to help customers create winning mobile experiences.