Grow your business into a mobile app reseller: Discover the benefits

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5 min readMar 30, 2020
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We are above and beyond doubting the popularity of mobile apps in the market. It comes as no surprise that we depend on an app centric solution for every service we come across in our daily lives.

The widespread acceptance of this industry compels us to brood over new ways of introducing it as a part of every business model. By 2020, mobile apps are expected to raise a revenue of 188.9 billions from downloads only.

It’s time for businesses that are already in the web or mobile app industry to put together a parallel line of income by introducing one of the best mobile app reseller program.

This expansion will not only help their business grow but also benefit the customers to get one window service.

Let’s talk about why it’s a great idea to set up a mobile app reseller program:

Leverage the high demand of apps

Every business is either seeking a mobile app or already owns one. Small and mid-scale businesses are still contemplating building one because of the lack of investment. Let’s not forget the enormous time required to build an app.

Even then these businesses are exploring options to build an app. For a few years now, mobile app builder for WordPress and WooCommerce apps are ushering businesses with smaller budgets to build an app.

Getting access to a whole new market of companies that are looking for affordable means to build their apps can easily be managed if you partner with app reseller program.

As of March 2020, there are 2.87 millions apps in Google Play Store which is only expected to grow significantly later this year. Smaller businesses will never stop looking for options to build their apps. This is your time give them a solution and make a few bucks yourself.

Invest a marginal cost to expand

An idea needs no money but converting it into a source of income does. Obviously you can’t rush to a business expansion if it calls for a huge investment cost.

Setting up a mobile app reseller program however, requires much lesser investment than you estimated. Simply registering for a reseller program with a reliable mobile app builder is all the investment you will need.

After signing up for a plan that suits your budget, you can build apps for customers and charge them for a reasonable profit. This way, you can keep your customers happy by giving them an app that costs much lesser than a custom app but in no way compromise with the quality. It’s a win-win for both you and your customers

There is no looking back after you have a pool of customers. For instance: if you are web development agency, you can always offer affordable apps as an add-on for your website development from your clients. Again, your customers won’t be running errands for app and web development. You, can provide them both the services under one roof.

Painlessly deliver apps within no time

In the previous section, we discussed that you can get started with an extremely low investment. Correspondingly, to become a mobile app reseller, you don’t have to master the art of coding.

You just need an appropriate solution that is both affordable and time saving. AppMySite is great platform to build an app in a completely code-free environment. You can convert a website into a high-performance native app within minutes of signing up.

Once you sign up for reseller program, you can start building multiple apps under one account. The fully customizable app builder will enable you to design app icon, splash screen, forgot password and login screen, app layout and dashboard, all at once.

The lesser time you spend in building apps, the money you can save on resources. This way, your ROI (Return on Investment) will be much higher than you expected.

It’s never too late to join the league

We have witnessed the mobile app industry grow exponential. However, we are still far away from the pinnacle of its saturation. In the first section, we discussed how every business wants to invest in a mobile app. The truth is that not everyone has it yet.

A survey conducted by Clutch proved that more than 50 percent of small businesses still don’t own a app, out of which 28 percent are already convinced they want one.

Image source: Clutch

Let’s not forget that the number of smartphone users are still on a rise and haven’t reached stagnation yet. If anything, there will be high demand of affordable apps in the years to come. Smaller businesses will want to keep up with the trend.

Besides offering one window service to your existing customers, you will also be making way for a recurring income for your business, not to forget the acquisition of new customers every month.

Set of your journey to become a successful mobile app reseller

Stepping into a new business idea can be challenging. You are mostly fighting between making the right choice and avoiding bad moves.

Launching an app reseller program involves least decision making. Tracking your success is much easier too.

For instance: imagine building a website for a new client and pitching them to convert their website into an app. The idea can instantly appeal to them, considering them time and investment involved is extremely low compared to custom app development.

The only correct decision you have to make is ensuring you choose the best mobile app reseller program. There you don’t want to go wrong. Because if you do, dealing with each client will be a nightmare.

AppMySite is a reliable platform to convert WooCommerce to Android & iOS native mobile app. Let’s briefly look at reasons to go with this program:

  • Get instant app delivery
  • Sign up for flexible subscription plans
  • Grab additional discount
  • Manage multiple apps from a single dashboard

Give your customers a preview of their app for free by building it with AppMySite at zero cost. If they are happy, you can build an app for them and publish it on app stores.

Visit the website to start a free trial.

