How a mobile app drives readers to your blog

Published in
6 min readNov 7, 2019

There was a time when blogging was the only medium to get one’s thoughts heard. Only a few people were covering specific subjects as they wrote about different things. With less competition, it was easy for early bloggers to appear as experts in a specific category.

Today, the scenario has changed. Monetization has become easier but competition has become tough. Most importantly, it becomes difficult to stand out amongst the leveled writers. It has become tough to get the attention of more disrupted users who are generally attracted by entertaining formats, such as YouTube, and more instantaneous modes of communication, like Snapchat or Instagram. The bottom line is that it has never been easy to maintain a loyal audience base.

People hopping from one channel to the other, or scrolling pictures on their smartphones, do the same when it comes to content.

The question is, should a writer be present cross-platforms, or is there any solution to address both the impulsiveness and segmentation of the audience.

How can you retain your audience?

The competition between bloggers and other content creators is growing. However, the importance of an enhanced approach has also never been greater. With this established truth, the question about the format remains the same.

While desktops are losing momentum, the supremacy of mobile apps and social media is rising. Readers consume more content on their smartphones, scrolling Facebook, Instagram, etc., rather than the original sources of information. Moreover, addressing the extended proportion of users who are turning to mobile to access the web content is also a concern.

Building a mobile app can be the perfect solution to increase user retention. Else, if you already have a WordPress website, you can create a mobile app via WordPress mobile app builder. With a mobile app, you can optimize the display of your content for mobile devices, which users always have handy. This will allow you to stay connected with them, everywhere and anytime.

However, converting your WordPress site to the mobile app is just an initial stage. If you really want to make a difference, you need to leverage it.

For today’s post, let’s understand a few tips that help you retain your audience to your blog. Here we go:

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1. Stay up-to-date

You have built an app and convinced people to download your app. Now your challenge is to make sure that they remember to use your app.

With new content, features, and trendy design, users will probably find these changes fruitful. You must understand that even minor changes can make a big difference in the long run.

With AppMySite, you can easily update your app in real-time. Simply put, every change you make on the website will simply reflect in the app, without having to send an update to the stores every time.

2. Analyze data

If you are a content creator, you measure the impact of what you share with your audience on the blog, website, or social media.

With detailed statistics, you can measure the reach of your content. For more advantages, you can also connect external services, such as Google Analytics or Flurry. These services not only help you consider monitoring your success but also aid you where you are struggling.

While there is always room for improvement, analyzing data is certainly the most efficient technique to know what your users want.

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3. Listen

The more simple and direct way to understand what your readers want is to ask them. Encourage them to share article ideas. You can create a form to collect feedback and ask for their opinion and suggestions for better understanding.

Asking their opinion on the forum is the perfect way to engage them. Also, you will get to know your users better while improving your connection with them.

4. Target

One of the best features which differentiate apps from the desktop web is — Push Notifications. These notifications are efficient enough and help you know about your readers.

Using push notifications help you gain more returning visitors, whenever new content is published. You can also use these notifications more spontaneously, according to the localization of users, app usage patterns, and more.

5. Focus on user experience

User experience plays the most crucial role, especially when there are over 2 million mobile users in the world.

Most apps have already paved their way in the market. Therefore, make sure you do not use clutter or counter-intuitive gestures. Without the right navigation or content organization, the app is nothing. Always remember, no matter how valuable your content is, you need to maintain a good balance between the content and navigation.

6. Use social media

Mobile apps and social media have something in common, that is, instantaneousness and closeness with one’s audience. In fact, both work hand-in-hand.

When it comes to building a user-friendly app, you need to allow your app users to share content on social media channels. Also, offer a convenient space to link all your social networks in one place.

You need to build an app, with the Chat Add-On and other social features, that promote your online reputation. With these features, you can create a community around your mobile app.

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7. Allow your users to ‘play’ with the app

Consider gamification to keep your audience interested and convert visitors into loyal readers. Build an app via mobile app builder for WordPress to have the unique features of a native app to reward your users.

You must know the golden rule: added value. Apply this rule to advertise your mobile app. With the rise of ad blocking, your app users do not compromise with experience anymore. All you need is to stay clear of intrusive formats and pop-ups. Instead of meddling pop-ups, explore native advertising in your app.

With all these tips, you can retain your audience better. Also, you can monetize your content in new ways. As mobile internet advertising growth has accelerated up by 20%, you should not wait a minute longer. Create your mobile app with AppMySite! Let’s get in touch to know more about building an app.

