How mobile apps can accelerate your business?

Uncover new market segments

5 min readAug 30, 2019


No matter what business you are in and what industry your enterprise falls under, there have been a few historical bumps in which one traditional business cycle was operated.

Now, things have been changed forever. With a new batch of disruptive technologies dotting the post-2008 business landscape, businesses have to rely on innovation and technology to strengthen their bottom lines.

Technology has changed the game and become the biggest drivers of the thrust to capture new geographic and generational markets.

Consider this:

A large volume of the world’s population uses the internet. To be precise, three billion people, which is almost 40% of the world’s population works online and moreover, 80% of those users own a smartphone.

From smart and similar resources, all point to the new digital tsunami in the mobile industry. It simply says that if you want to stay over the top or ride the wave to new sales, you need to go mobile.

A modern funnel of business is whether to develop your WooCommerce website mobile-friendly or make it a gateway to the world of information through the mobile app.

According to the IDC report, there will be around 982 million smartphones shipped by the end of this year, which, in turn, means app downloads will rise to 184 billion within the next four years.

Either to target millennials or a new group in the developing world, converting your WooCommerce website to a mobile app can give you a whole new business experience.

Disruptive technology set loose

As the cloud and data analytics, mobile apps are another disruptive technology that has been set loose if it is not understood correctly. Mobile apps are a new, improved tool to inspire customer loyalty that comes as personal to the user.

The world of e-commerce sees a new meaning in having mobile apps who want to ride the cutting-edge business and to create customer loyalty.

Apps funnel the internet

Apps funnel the internet searching experience into one secure method that is familiar and comfortable for users. App users are enjoying simplicity with apps and do not want to get more than one with the same function.

For instance, once consumers make a connection to one of the products via a mobile app, they are committed to it, and the same user does not want to download the next company’s app that does the same thing.

While the latest versions of websites aren’t always consumer-friendly for a well-designed application, you need to build a mobile app via a WooCommerce mobile app builder.

When you go to a website, you usually seek multiple pages and logins, and there is a process you go through. However, with an app, you can streamline the business functionality you need.

The banking industry, for instance, has specific functions that are quite often parallel things that you can do by mobile phone.

Mobile tipping point

Statistics point to the fact that businesses are moving forward toward mobility and getting away from the desktop. The amount of time people spends online using mobile devices is 51%, whereas the time they spend on the desktop has dropped to 42%, according to eMarketer.

When there were early days of eCommerce and industries are experimenting with social media as a business tool, they were not completely convinced, but the implication is different, there was a substantial ROI (return on investment).

Mobile is an overwhelming force that’s spreading across the world. Therefore, if businesses want to stay on the cutting edge, they need to get on board with the mobile app.

Successful leap

Some firms have already made a successful leap with a mobile app. Many industries come across the spectrum of companies looking to transition to using this technology to full advantage., an online company, for instance, is geared to provide expertise and support in-home and auto insurance. Also, the mobile app service of the company has become a boon to the company that allows customers to seek support, speak with agents directly, read up on their policies and even make claims through their smartphones, or similar devices.

When consumers expect simplicity and efficiency, give them. The easiest way to keep this relationship of a consumer and company strong by building a user-friendly mobile app through a mobile app builder.

With a mobile app, you can transition your online visitors and users to use your products and services. A mobile app for your business is more likely to retain your target customers for future business.

Learning curve

In the beginning, there is always a learning curve, but the goal of app developers is to build a mobile app that will make the user’s online experience easier. It stands to reason that businesses should take mobile apps into their account.

Understand the nature, characteristics of today’s online consumer and how these people expect an interactive experience in everything they encounter on the internet, and then launch your business app.

By understanding the importance of mobile apps for today’s cyber markets, some of the more prominent companies like United Airlines and Starbucks have already raged a trail by offering mobile apps to their customers. Mobile apps of these companies give all the preferences to their clients in terms of locations, rewards, and offers (that you might not get by visiting the store).

Mobile apps have compelling features that draw the attention of users, like engage them through great content and provide something unique that is bound to a favorite brand with specific rewards and offers, make them unique from the competition.

If you are visiting a toy store online, for instance, mobile apps immediately provide you offers, suggestions, and discounts at the same time.

Today, small to medium businesses should go for building a mobile app to interact with the local neighborhood, the city, or the town where they are located. Companies can also go far to ask their customers what they want in a mobile application that suits their requirements.

Technological thrust

Ultimately, there is no way to avoid this latest technological thrust, whether you are a company looking to enlarge your brand recognition or a small business drawing the attention of potential customers about special offers and discounts.

The most popular path to the internet transforms, and you need to stay well-informed of the innovations mobile apps are offering. These mobile apps are the new bridge to existing clients and new demographics.

CNN has reported way back in January of 2014 that people are accessing the internet with their smartphone and tablet apps more than computers, and the snowball keeps rolling downhill.

The final note

If you are still not convinced about the need for a well-designed mobile app, you can get your mobile app build with App My Site - a mobile app builder. Remember the fact that 80% of internet users own a smartphone, and each one of those devices represents a possible sale if you attract them with the right mobile app.

