How to Convert Online Store On WooCommerce to Mobile App in Three Steps?

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6 min readAug 21, 2020
Convert WooCommerce to Mobile App

Not a long time back, running an online store was an aspiration. Entrepreneurs marvelled at the seamless functionalities and features of ecommerce stores like Amazon. It seemed impossible to create an online store from ground up without an extensive background in programming.

The same was true for running a website. It seemed impossible to run anything online without a decent tech background in programming.

Things have changed now. Running an online store is not a lofty aspiration anymore. With plugins like WooCommerce and a CMS like WordPress, anyone without a technical background can run an ecommerce store. Time and technology have made it possible to make an improbable goal a very real and viable opportunity.

People feel the same way about mobile apps now as they did about online stores back then. Those running WooCommerce stores are sensing the growing shadow of m-commerce creeping on their shoulder. Even those finding great success with their online store are feeling uneasy.

And there is good reason to be.

A study some time back showed that 85% users prefer shopping on mobile apps over mobile websites. When one also considers the fact that more than half online shoppers use their smartphone to buy something, the importance of a mobile app becomes clear.

People like shopping on their smartphones, and they prefer mobile apps to do it rather than websites.

For people running their online store on WooCommerce, this represents a serious challenge. They need to find a way to overcome technical obstacles and convert WooCommerce to mobile apps.

It is not easy for entrepreneurs to wake up one day and learn how to make an app. Furthermore, gathering investment to hire an app development agency is also a tumultuous process.

At this point, what they really need is a WooCommerce mobile app builder.

Convert WooCommerce to Mobile App — A Guide

To get an app, we will use a WooCommerce mobile app plugin.

The plugin belongs to AppMySite, a powerful WooCommerce mobile app builder.

Users can convert their website running on WooCommerce to a mobile app without any line of code with AppMySite. Basically, it converts a website using WordPress and Woocommerce into a mobile app.

How does this process work? The following three steps will offer a guide on using this WooCommerce mobile app builder.

Number One — Signing Up and Building an App

The first step is signing into the app builder. Users need to create an account on AppMySite for this.

During the signup process, users can use social login options from Google and Facebook. They have to provide some information about your website and app. This includes the CMS of the website, website type, URL, and so on. Users need to make sure they enter the right URL. This will ensure that the app builder extracts data from the right website.

Users will then arrive at the app builder’s dashboard. This is the place where AppMySite will turn WooCommerce to mobile app.

First, users need to make their design preferences known.


On the left panel, users will find an Appearance tab. Under this tab, there are a number of elements that are optimizable. These include app icon, launch screen, login and signup screens, color theme, and dashboard.

The process itself is very easy. Users can either upload designs for specific elements or choose from AppMySite’s own image library. There is also the option of choosing solid colors where there is no image design available.

The Appearance section largely covers the first few screens a typical app user is going to see. Users building their WooCommerce app for Android and iOS must make sure every design is engaging enough to keep customers interested.

While making changes to any design element, users can simultaneously check the preview screen on the left. This will help them see every design element in the context of a mobile screen.


The name itself suggests the purpose of this section. Users will connect their WooCommerce store to the app builder in this section. This is a crucial step to convert WooCommerce to mobile app.

First, users need to enter their WooCommerce REST API keys. They can generate these keys on their WordPress backend. Here is a guide on how to do it.

Read: Guide on Generating WooCommerce REST API keys

These keys have to be entered under the API details section. Once this is done, users have to connect their website to the app builder.

To do this, they have to download the AppMySite plugin on their WordPress backend and activate it. Users can then verify the connection under the Install Plugin option. The Troubleshooting section can point out issues in case the connection fails.

App Settings

Under App Settings, users can tweak the settings of their WooCommerce app for Android and iOS. While pushing the process to convert WooCommerce to mobile app, it is important to remember how products ultimately appear on the app. This section plays a key role in allowing users to decide the nitty-gritties of their app.

The settings available include-

● General — This covers the general settings of the app and website such as URL, CMS, website type, and so on.

● App Menu — Allows users to either import menus from their WooCommerce store or use the pre-defined ones on the platform

● Users- Covers how customers enter the application. Includes settings for features like guest browsing and social login

● Products — Covers how products are displayed on the app. Includes settings for features like discount percentage display and product filters

● Checkout — Covers the settings for the payment page

● Pages — Controls the content settings of the app

● Social — Allows users to enter their social media handles that are later displayed on the app

Number Two — App Preview

This section is purely for users to preview the app they have created. The app can be previewed live on the app emulator or on an actual mobile device.

To use the mobile emulator, users only need to scroll their mouse over the live screen and use it like a typical smartphone. The emulator will accurately display each design element and setting users have chosen. Users can always go back and update the design elements and settings if something is not working.

Users can also preview the app on their mobile device. To do this, they need to download the AppMySite demo app. Here are the links to both: Android and iOS

Number Three — Download App from WooCommerce Mobile App Builder

This is the final step. Users need to subscribe to a plan to download the app. They can find all the details regarding the various plans offered on the WooCommerce mobile app plugin on the pricing page.

After subscribing, users can proceed to creating their app build. The app build for both Android and iOS is created separately.

Once the build is created, users can download the app and proceed to submitting the app on the relevant app stores.

Also Read: Guide on Submitting App on Apple App Store

In Conclusion — Turn WooCommerce to Mobile App

Having a mobile app is an aspiration in this period of time. A WooCommerce mobile app builder like AppMySite can help in this regard. However, users must remember to optimize every little element on the app builder as well. This will play an important role in the success of the app.

