Why your WordPress website needs a mobile app?

Published in
5 min readOct 21, 2019
WordPress mobile app for blogs and news websites

You have a WordPress blog or news website and a big audience that regularly reads your content.

However, you are noticing a slight decrease in your blogs viewership and audience engagement. You have tried uploading content more frequently, tried covering new concepts and subjects in your articles as well. However, the situation does not improve.

You realise that more and more of your readers are switching to reading blogs on a mobile application and its high time that you offer your readers the premium reading experience of a WordPress native app.

When you check your website’s traffic analytics, you realise that a big chunk of the traffic is viewing your website from mobile devices. However, having a mobile website is not sufficient, even if it is responsive you could still be missing out on a big chunk of traffic by not offering the smooth and seamless experience of a native mobile app.

Mobile apps have become a convenient way to deliver content and the multiple benefits that come with apps cannot be compared to a simple mobile application. Which is why every famous blog website has launched their mobile applications, be it Medium or Android Authority.

Let us explore some of the many benefits of a WordPress mobile app.

# 1 : Boost Traffic

There are more than 5 billion mobile app users in 2019 that makes up to almost 50% total traffic, and these numbers are only expected to grow.

With these staggering numbers, you can be sure that with a mobile application for your WordPress website, the traffic on your website is bound to grow.

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# 2 : Improved rankings

A mobile application always helps with the search engine optimization of any website. You will see significant growth in the ranking of your website with a mobile application.

Google always prefers a website that has a prominent mobile presence.

# 3 : Improved branding

Your mobile app will serve as a great branding solution for your blog website. Everywhere your readers go, your brand goes with them. Your logo will also be seen every time your users open their mobile devices.

Additionally, you can also promote your brand and blogs with app features like internal messages and push notifications

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# 4 : Premium native experience

Readers love the premium user-experience of a native mobile app. Mobile applications not only make the reading experience very smooth but they also make it effortless for the readers to navigate between different articles.

WordPress native app makes blog reading effortless

# 5 : Improve loyalty

Improving loyalty amongst your readers becomes effortless with a mobile app. When you offer your audience a premium experience, they feel connected and special which converts them into a loyal reader of your blog.

Suggested Read : Building customer loyalty with apps

# 6 : Easy sharing features

Another added advantage of mobile apps is that your users can easily share your content on their social media handles and that results in an added exposure to your blog and increased audience.

# 7 : An app sets you apart

There are many blog websites on the web today, and to differentiate yourself in this highly competitive market, you must ensure that you stand out from the crowd.

A mobile app lets you do exactly that. It builds credibility for your brand that makes the audience trust you and your content.

# 8 : Increase audience engagement and retention

When compared to a mobile website, a mobile app does a far better job to engage and retain the attention of your audience.

Moreover, supplemented with push notifications, becomes a viable combination. Boosting an open rate of 90%, push notifications when used strategically can do wonders for your brand.

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How to build a WordPress mobile app?

Let’s discuss how you can convert WordPress website to mobile app

If you are wondering how to convert WordPress site to mobile app, here we are discussing the different options that you have.

# 1 : Hire experts

Mobile development involves a lot of technical expertise, from designing to the development, you need to involve experts of different domain.

Typically, when you involve a mobile development agency, it costs you around $15,000 and upwards. This could be a lot for someone who is just starting.

This not only involves a big investment of money and time but also requires a lot of back and forth between the agency and yourself. The charges keep surging with every step and also leads to loss of control.

# 2 : WordPress App Builder

An intelligent alternative that overcomes all the above drawbacks is a WordPress App Builder. However, there are a few WordPress mobile app builders in the market today, but not all of them build a desirable mobile app.

On the other hand, AppMySite is the best WordPress mobile app builder in the market today that takes care of all the listed issues above. With AppMySite you get complete control over your mobile application from design to layout to the theme.

AppMySite also offers multiple economical and flexible pricing plans that involve a fraction of the investment of both money and time from your end when compared with other mobile app builders or hiring experts.

What’s next?

Now that you have seen the many advantages of a WordPress mobile app over a plain website for blog and news publications, you know what is the next step to future-proof your brand.

To build and launch a premium native mobile app for your WordPress website, reach out to AppMySite, the premium online mobile app builder today!

