Woo new mothers with a premium mobile app for your maternity blog or store

Published in
4 min readNov 28, 2019

Motherhood is a boon that comes with certain challenges. It is probably the most daunting and overwhelming phase in a couple’s life. Due to changes in lifestyle and living conditions, young parents often suffer from anxiety. However, they defy all odds and consistently seek out proper guidance.

If you run a maternity blog or have an eCommerce store that caters to the needs of new mothers, you are already a bliss in the lives of such anxious young parents. Parents nowadays are turning to technology to add value to this beautiful phase of their life.

The world is seeking refuge from any issue in technology and the maternity industry is not alien to this revolution. It is experiencing the same change as mCommerce is rapidly taking over eCommerce. As a WordPress website or WooCommerce store owner, it is the best time to make your own app with affordable and efficient DIY tools like AppMySite.

However, before you proceed to convert your website to app, read further and discover the right approach for doing so.

Mobile apps vs Websites: what millennial moms prefer

Research and study from all around the globe support the fact that mobile apps are gaining edge over websites as mCommerce is emerging as a strong tool. The surveys roughly state that:

  • Number of mobile phone users will soon cross the five billion mark
  • People spend 90% of their mobile time on apps
  • Apps will generate $189 billion worth of revenue by 2020
  • 21% millennials open an app 50+ times every day
  • People spend more time & money on apps

As evident from the facts enlisted above, mobile apps have become the ultimate formula of success and growth. This generation of millennial moms is affected by the same preferences and choices and thus prefers apps over websites.

The crucial maternal phase is all about comfort and ease as it eventually fosters a healthy baby. Apps are bound to get more attention as it ensures ease and convenience, the two things that are most sought after during motherhood.

WordPress Mobile App: Turn new mothers to loyal readers

The mothers of this era are tech-savvy and inquisitive. To give the best to themselves and their babies and to get answers to their quest, they often turn to technology. If you run a maternity blog, you can turn new mothers to loyal readers with mobile apps.

Keep the following points in mind as you proceed to build an app with a WordPress mobile app builder:

WooCommerce Mobile App: Reinvent your maternity store

It is not easy to find the customised products that fulfil all the requirements of the crucial phase. But, as an e-store owner, you are probably making the lives of new parents easy. You can add more value to this ease and convenience and expand your business further with a mobile app.

But, before you begin your search for the perfect mobile app builder for WooCommerce, make sure that you cover the following check-list:

Integrate bankable features

Do not settle for any app. Study a bit and know what features you should integrate in your app. While some features correspond to your business requirements, some should help in shaping your brand value and fostering customer relationships.

You can walk that extra mile and get more coverage by building mobile apps for both iOS and Android users. As discussed above, you can also opt for the amalgamation of the WooCommerce and WordPress features and get a holistic solution for absolute success.

Suggested read: Click on https://www.appmysite.com/explore-the-salient-features-of-appmysite-woocommerce-app-builder/ to know more about the ‘must-have features’ for your mobile app.

Take that first step to success

By now, you are certainly aware of the importance of mobile apps for your WordPress website or WooCommerce store. It is now time to proceed, and get an app for the same.

Do not let technology obstruct your journey to success. Contact AppMySite to build your own app for your website in the most affordable and seamless ways and unlock infinite possibilities.

