The Formula of an Investor-Grabbing App Pitch

Carissa Lintao
App Partner Academy
3 min readJun 21, 2017

An elevator pitch gets your point across. A remarkable elevator pitch helps you translate your app idea into something close to a mission statement. If you can craft an effective and creative pitch — it will leave people (and investors) begging for more.

The 4 C’s

Every successful app elevator pitch makes a distinct case for why the product exists and how it helps people:

  • Concise: Less than 40 seconds, and includes basic terminology. Avoids corporate jargon and fancy words.
  • Clear: Easy to understand. If the person you’re talking to can’t follow what you’re trying to say, they’ll stop listening altogether.
  • Casual: Doesn’t sound like an pitch, instead it sounds conversational. Authentic and relaxed.
  • Creative: Distinctive and unforgettable.

Answer the Big Questions

It’s easy to get caught up in the details. A remarkable pitch focuses on the important questions and stays on track.

  • What exactly does your app do?
  • How does it do it?
  • Who would be interested in something like this?
  • When and where might your target audience use this app?
  • Why should people use your app instead of all the other options available?

Let your listeners know that your app offers a solution to a challenge they’re facing, and describe the most common use case. Who needs it and what do they need it for?

Solve the problem

Every successful app has a main goal that drives all of the functionality. When a user opens your app, what are they going to do? Maybe they’re going to watch their friend’s live video broadcast or scroll through a geo-oriented political news feed.

Don’t list all of your app’s features, but just the elements that get users from point A to point Z. Talking your listener’s ear off is a major no-no. All you need to do is highlight how your app makes it possible for users to solve x.

Emphasize How Your App is Different

Every app faces serious competition. If you don’t want to get lost in the shuffle, you need to differentiate yourself. Usually there are one or two key differentiators that separate your idea from the rest of the pack.

This is called your value proposition. It’s what you have to offer that makes you different from your competition. Now this doesn’t necessarily have to be a feature of your app, but it is how your features deliver on what your audience desires.

Pitch time

Once your pitch is ready to go, make sure it takes no more than 30 or 40 seconds to hit each point relaxed and naturally. The only way to get to that point is to practice with other people. Start with close friends or family members and when you’re ready — try it out in a public setting.

Take the opportunity early on to engage your listeners in giving feedback. Ask open-ended questions and use the information you get in return to help refine your concept — and pitch. Your pitch should never be set in stone; it should be able to adapt to different situations and evolve over time.

