The most powerful app marketing tactic is literally just one sentence

Carissa Lintao
App Partner Academy
4 min readAug 17, 2017

Yes, you read that correctly. One of the best ways to stand out in the App Store is to have a value proposition or a short, compelling sentence that lets people know why they should use your app instead of your competitors’.

What isn’t a value proposition

It isn’t a slogan, catch phrase or a general statement about your app.

The following examples aren’t value propositions:

  • “#1 app in [app store category]”
  • “You can’t live without [app name].”
  • “We’re the next [popular app — i.e. Uber] for [industry].”
  • “Our app is better than [insert competitor].”

It’s not about your company or app’s features ー it’s about what your users will get out of using your app.

What is a value proposition

A value proposition is simply your app’s promise of value.

What makes a good value proposition

A good value proposition should include the following elements:

  • Benefit(s): What will users get out of using your app?
  • Clarity: Easy to understand, no corporate jargon
  • Conciseness: Straight to the point, should be able to comprehend in five seconds
  • Differentiation: How is the app different than the competition?

A value proposition should ultimately answer one question: why should anyone care?

Understanding the User

Before you dive into creating the actual statement, you need to put yourself in your users’ shoes and answer the following questions:

  • What does your end user need?
  • How does your app solve that pain point?
  • What other solutions are available?

Your value proposition is a promise to provide value to your users. You need to explain what problem it solves and what specific benefits users will receive.

Crafting a Value Proposition [Formulas]

These two proven formulas were created by industry experts to help you craft a concise value proposition in a short amount of time. You can even use them as a starting point to build upon.

Geoff Moore’s Value Positioning Statement

  1. For ______ (target user)
  2. who _______ (need)
  3. our app is _____ (product category)
  4. that ______ (primary benefit)

Example: For hungry college students who can’t find cheap places to eat, our app is a tracker that finds affordable nearby restaurants based on other students’ recommendations.

Steve Blank’s XYZ

  1. We help ___ (X — target user)
  2. Do ___ (Y — need)
  3. Doing ___ (Z — primary benefit)

Example: We help busy parents find trusted babysitters by completing thorough background checks.

Real World Examples

The following apps have phenomenal value propositions because they’re concise and tell the user exactly what they’re going to get if they download the app.


“On Bumble, ladies always go first.”

  • Empowers target user. (Millennial women)
  • Addresses the pain-point in male-dominated online dating.
  • Doesn’t focus on the “standard” swipe feature.


“Save the most interesting and important content flowing through your day.”

  • Explains functionality in one concise sentence.
  • Keeps the focus solely on the user.
  • Highlights the fact that content is distributed constantly, but provides a solution.


“All your tools in one place.”

  • States what the app does in six words
  • Focuses on the key benefit 一 productivity
  • Emphasizes simplicity


  • A value proposition isn’t a slogan, catch phrase or a general statement about your app.
  • A value proposition should answer the question: “Why should anyone care?”
  • Benefit, clarity, conciseness, and differentiation should all be addressed in your statement.
  • The best app value propositions are concise and tell the user exactly what they’re going to get if they download the app.

