Searching for an ASO Tool? This is the sexiest ASO Tool 2017. 🥇

Silke Glauninger
App Radar Behind the Scenes
5 min readJul 13, 2017


In the last months, App Radar was not only awarded the Austria’s Born Global Champions Award and honored as one of the Top App Store Optimization Tools 2017 by Business of Apps, but was yet again optimized to be the sexiest ASO Tool you have ever seen.

Our developers and our designer again did a great job together to further improve App Radar! After several cups of coffee, we are happy to show you the recently updated UX of App Radar.

App Radar already got a lot of positive feedback for its intuitive usability, but we wanted to take things further. 💪 So, App Radar got a fresh makeover to make the handling of App Radar’s web interface even smoother.

In this blog post, we show you what you can do with App Radar and where to find everything now with the new UX. However, here is a small walkthrough showing you what you can do with App Radar in general.

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Manage & track all your mobile apps and games in one place

App Radar is not an ordinary App Store Optimization tool. — It’s more than that!

With App Radar, you can …

a) track your mobile keyword rankings for efficient App Store Optimization AND…

b) manage the metadata and app store assets for your mobile game’s or app’s store appearance!

Thus, in App Radar, you have all your app store rankings and app metadata for both, Google Play Store and Apple App Store in ONE place. The recent UX improvements make it even easier now to find the app, which you want to monitor or optimize in a clear app overview with filter and search functionality.

Optimize & publish your meta data for Google Play and Apple App Store all-in-one

App Radar is the first ASO Tool for all-in-one App Publishing and App Store Optimization.

We thought it is time to rethink App Store Optimization. So, we found it is time to merge the process of tracking and optimization. So, you can optimize your app page directly within App Radar and sync your changes both, iTunes Connect and Google Play Console with just one click.

Manage all your app locales for both Google Play Store and Apple App Store

Everyone, who has to maintain, update and optimize many apps and games knows the struggle: managing a number of apps in a number of stores for a number of languages is a real time-eater! This is why we developed the Publisher module.

There you have an overview of all your locales and see the status of your metadata.

Coming Soon: Advances ASO Tips and scores showing the status of your app regarding App Store Optimization best practices.

Work together with translators for localized app store metadata

Roughly 5% of the worlds’s population speaks English as their mother language. So, when you think it is enough to provide your app description, title and screenshots only in English, you are wrong.

If you want to address an international audience, you’ll have to localize your app store metadata in order to get your app found by people abroad. However, for optimizing your app page, you will most probably need some help. This is why we implemented this feature.

You can request translations directly within App Radar. thus, your translator can optimize and translate your metadata in a matching interface and you only have to publish it in iTunes Connect then, without having to give anyone your credentials!

Update your app store metadata 95% faster than before

We all know, time is money. This is why we developed App Radar to save you up to 95% of time when doing App Store Optimization.

The Publisher module also lets you quick-edit app store metadata and export/import it to iTunes Connect or Google Play Console. You can bulk edit relevant metadata fields like App Name, Description, Short Description, Release Notes or Keywords.

Track & Improve your mobile app’s or game’s visibility in app stores

Like an ASO Tool, App Radar of course lets you compare keyword rankings with the position of your competitors. You just have to search for a keyword, app name or URL and the tool will show you who your competitors might be.

Spoiler Alert: This competitor suggestions feature will become BIG soon.

International keyword tracking & keyword research

App Radar’s goal is to help app developers and marketers in App Store Optimization in order to improve their visibility in mobile app stores. Thus, the most central feature is keyword tracking. You will find the most accurate keyword rankings per keywords and a certain period of time. Hence, you will see how your app’s visibility has changed through out time.

Get your free trial or schedule a demo

If you have any questions about App Radar or its new features, just send us a mail at Also, send us some general feedback to we are thrilled to hear what you think about our tool!

Here, you can Signup for a free App Radar Trial!

Happy Optimizing. 🤗



Silke Glauninger
App Radar Behind the Scenes

Always looking for new spots to explore and innovative ideas 🚀 “Full-Stack“ Marketer