What to know about App Title & Description in Google Play ASO

Silke Glauninger
App Radar Behind the Scenes
5 min readJul 4, 2017


ASO (App Store Optimization) does not only affect Keywords. The process also involves the optimization of app title, description, localizations and some more aspects. Since most ASO blogs only concentrate on Keyword Research, we now also want to deal with further essential subjects influencing app visibility.

This article was originally published on appradar.com and updated in June 2017.

No time for reading this in detail? Then download the free Infographic for writing the perfect App Title and Description for Google Play Store ASO and always have a handy checklist by your hand. (The Checklist is for free & we won’t spam you — pinky promise)

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How your app is ranked in Google Play Store

Search queries in Google Play Store are the most common way, how users find relevant android apps. In order to properly rank search results based on relevance to user queries and popularity, Google Play developed an appropriate app ranking algorithm.

According to Ankit Jain, former Head of Search & Discovery for Google Play, the app title is the most important piece of metadata, used by Google Play’s ranking algorithm. Therefore app developers or owners should not underestimate the importance of app titles.

Although we do not officially know, how exactly the ranking algorithm works, we know some aspects, that definitely play an important role in Google Play Store search ranking.

Free Infographic

How to find the perfect App Title

We now know, the title of an app is one of the most important factors in search ranking. Let’s consider what you have to keep in mind when you are about to create an app title for your app in Google Play Store.

The title of your app should be unique and creative, yet clear and short. — Yes, that’s a challenge. Since the search ranking algorithm of Google Play Store handles the app title as important metadata, you should make sure, it contains one to three of the most relevant keywords. Make sure to stay focused and to not stuff all your keywords into the title. Keep your app name readable for the users. Consider, that long app titles may get truncated on smaller devices. Furthermore, there is a character limitation for app titles on Google Play Store.

Note: the limit for app title in Google Play Store was increased from 30 to 50 characters in June 2017.

While creating your title, try not to think like an app owner but a user. Make sure the title represents the main message and brand name of your app.

Free Infographic Overview: The anatomy of a perfect app title. What you should keep in mind.

You can download the full infographic here.

How to write the perfect App Description

Before writing an app description, it can be useful to take user’s perspective. Think about which aspects you would be interested in if you were a user searching for this kind of app.

In Google Play, the app description is split into two fields:

  • Short Description, an limited 80 characters preview field and
  • the Full Description field, giving you space for an up to 4000 characters long app description

The short description field should transport the most relevant message of your app in a nutshell. Make sure, the crucial facts about your app are clear and visible above the fold. This field should give users a quick impact of what your app is about, without having to click on “read more”. Also make sure, to include your most important keywords into the short description and first paragraph of the full description to influence keyword rankings.

You have an iOS App too? Read how to optimize your ASO keyword strategy for more tips about keyword optimization in Apple App Store.

You can download the full infographic here.

All in all, make sure to highlight the features and functionality of your app within 3 to 4 concise attention-grabbing paragraphs. Ideally, the full description includes a short list of main features so that users can see what makes your app unique just at a glance. It’s also best practice to add your contact or support address for active users at the end of the description. This lets them find all necessary information about your app on one page.

Google Play Store Meta-Data Character Limitation

When publishing an app in Google Play Store, the owner has to provide some specific information about his app. This information fields like app title, description, or update texts (summed up with the term meta-data) have got some character limitation.

As this may cause some confusion and can change quickly, we decided to provide you with a practical overview of character limits for most important meta-data fields on Google Play Store.

App Title & Description Infographic Guide

If you also like having everything at a glance, download our App Store Meta Data Infographic here. (free & no spam)

Track your Rankings

It’s not enough to optimize your title & description for keywords. You also have to check the rankings for the keywords you’ve chosen. Use an App Store Optimization Tool like App Radar to do this job.

Try out App Radar ASO Tool for free. Signup to get your free 14-day Trial.



Silke Glauninger
App Radar Behind the Scenes

Always looking for new spots to explore and innovative ideas 🚀 “Full-Stack“ Marketer