Weekly App Review #3

Thoughts on new apps I have used for the past week

Andrew Bryk
App Reviews
2 min readFeb 21, 2014


Threes! opening gameplay as I swipe-Swipe 2's on 1's. 3's on 3's, 6's on 6's and so on

Threes! —(.99)—(10/10) I have cured my addiction…for Flappy Bird that is. Threes is currently the top paid app and it deserves that spot. The user experience is simple for anyone to understand but in order to excel at the game it takes a lot of skill. The tutorial after downloading teaches you the game step by step that it makes you feel like a master. Although I wish I was a “master,” my scores are abysmal compared to the ones I have seen shared on Twitter. However, this has not discouraged me but motivated me to find new strategies to get better. Threes! is as addicting as it gets, reminding me of the first sudoku book I picked up.

The Swipes home screen (All I have left to do is make my dad some ringtones!)
After swiping right, I get more options. The walkthrough helps but I could have used some more examples

Swipes—(Free)—(5/10) —Although not so new, I have been searching for a great to-do app for quite some time. I currently use Clear but am not satisfied with it. In my search for a replacement, I found swipes. I had high hopes, which unfortunately it did not live up to. There are a few reasons for this. The first, which I blame myself for is that the user interactions in terms of managing tasks uses very different motions than Clear. However, perhaps swipes should have taken this into account as they try to pry users from clear. Additionally, there are so many options in dealing with my tasks that I was confused. I am worried that if it is difficult for me to figure out, my mom and dad would definitely not use it. However, I soon realized that people with a lot of needs and understanding of these interactions are the target market of swipes as opposed to my parents who only have basic needs for a to-do list. After this tryout, I will continue to use Clear until I can find a replacement.

Preview of an app I started using yesterday — Yik Yak — Another anonymous app that has focused on the college community

