How Do I Discuss My Future Plans and Goals in English?

@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
App to learn english
3 min readNov 15, 2023

Talking about your future plans and goals in English is not only a great way to practice the language, but also to share your aspirations and dreams.

For non-native English speakers, it’s a chance to articulate your visions and plans effectively.

1. Start with Clear Time References

  • Example: Use phrases like ‘in the next year,’ ‘in five years,’ or ‘someday’ to indicate when.

Dialogue: “In the next year, I plan to improve my English to a proficient level.”

2. Use Future Tenses Correctly

  • Example: Familiarize yourself with the future simple (will) and going to for plans.

Dialogue: “I’m going to start a specialized course in digital marketing soon.”

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3. Describe Your Goals and Plans

  • Example: Be specific about what you want to achieve.

Dialogue: “My goal is to become a software developer and work on innovative projects.”

4. Explain the Reasons Behind Your Goals

  • Example: Share why these goals are important to you.

Dialogue: “I’ve always been passionate about technology, and I want to contribute to this field.”

5. Mention Steps to Achieve Your Goals

  • Example: Talk about the actions you’re taking or plan to take.

Dialogue: “I am currently taking online courses and building a portfolio of my work.”

6. Discuss Challenges You Might Face

  • Example: Be realistic about potential obstacles and how you plan to overcome them.

Dialogue: “One challenge is balancing my job with my studies, but I have a solid time management plan.”

7. Express Your Hopes and Aspirations

  • Example: Share your hopes related to your plans and goals.

Dialogue: “I hope that my efforts will lead me to a rewarding career in software development.”

8. Practice Talking About Your Future

  • Example: Regularly practice these conversations with friends, in language exchanges, or in class.

Dialogue: “In my language exchange meetings, I often talk about my future career plans.”

A Short Story: Ana’s Career Ambitions

Ana, an intermediate English learner, was preparing for a career counseling session.

She used visual tags to learn phrases and vocabulary related to career planning. In the session, Ana confidently talked about her aspiration to switch careers from marketing to software development, explaining her plan and the steps she was taking.

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Benefits of Visual Tags

Visual tags are incredibly helpful for learning language related to future planning. They offer visual cues to remember and use the right tenses and vocabulary for discussing goals and aspirations.

Ready to articulate your future plans and goals in English? Our app’s innovative approach, featuring reading and annotated flashcards, is perfect for expanding your language skills in this area.

Talking about your future plans and goals is about more than sharing dreams; it’s about mapping your path to success. With clear expression, your aspirations can inspire and motivate!

Take care,

@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers



@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
App to learn english

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