How to Agree in Discussions — Phrases that Show Support 🤝✨

@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
App to learn english
3 min readFeb 27, 2024

Phrases to Express Agreement 🌼

  • “I completely agree with you.”
    A straightforward way to show total agreement with someone’s point of view.
  • “That’s exactly how I see it.”
    Indicates that your perspective aligns perfectly with theirs, reinforcing the shared viewpoint.
  • “You took the words right out of my mouth.”
    Suggests that they’ve expressed something you were thinking or about to say, highlighting a strong concurrence.
  • “I’m glad you brought that up. I feel the same way.”
    Appreciates the other person’s contribution and expresses your agreement with their statement.
  • “Absolutely. It makes complete sense to me.”
    Confirms that you find their argument or viewpoint logical and convincing.

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Enhancing Agreement with Further Contributions 📘

  • “Not only that, but I also think that…”
    Adds more information or another point to the discussion, building on the agreement.
  • “In addition to your point, I’d like to add that…”
    Introduces supplementary information or examples that support the point being agreed upon.

Showing Agreement in Professional Settings 🏢

  • “I support your idea. It aligns well with our goals.”
    Endorses a colleague’s suggestion while linking it to broader objectives or values.
  • “Your analysis is spot on. It reflects our findings as well.”
    Agrees with someone’s assessment or conclusion, adding validation from your own experiences or data.

Phrases for Casual or Informal Agreement 🏡

  • “Exactly! I couldn’t agree more.”
    A casual and enthusiastic way to show strong agreement.
  • “Right? That’s what I’m saying!”
    Affirms agreement in a more informal, conversational style, often used among friends.

Tips for Showing Support and Agreement 📘

  • Be Genuine: Only express agreement when you truly concur with the other person. Authenticity is key to meaningful interactions.
  • Listen Actively: Make sure you fully understand the point before agreeing. This ensures that your agreement is informed and relevant.
  • Offer Reasons for Your Agreement: When appropriate, explain why you agree. This can deepen the conversation and provide further insight.
  • Use Body Language: Nods, smiles, and other positive non-verbal cues can reinforce your verbal agreement, making your support more evident.

Conclusion: The Power of Positive Agreement in Conversations 🌈💬

Expressing agreement effectively is about more than just saying “yes” — it’s about contributing to the dialogue in a way that validates others’ contributions and enriches the discussion. By using these phrases thoughtfully, you can navigate discussions with supportiveness and collaborative spirit, strengthening connections and fostering mutual understanding.

Here’s to your journey in English, where every agreement you make and every supportive word you share brings us closer to consensus and collective progress. Let’s keep building bridges of understanding, one agreement at a time. 🤝

Grammar Experts,

@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers



@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
App to learn english

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