How to use Idiom “Ahead of the curve” in English? Examples and tips from Grammar Experts

@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
App to learn english
3 min readJun 20, 2024

Idiom “Ahead of the curve”

This idiom means to be more advanced or innovative than others. Imagine a curve representing the average progress, and you are ahead of this curve, leading the way — that’s the essence of this idiom.

Prehistory of the Idiom

The phrase “ahead of the curve” originates from the concept of statistical curves, where being ahead of the curve signifies outperforming or being more advanced than the majority. It has been used since the mid-20th century to describe innovation and leadership in various fields.

Short Advice

Use this idiom to describe situations where someone or something is more advanced or innovative compared to others. It emphasizes leadership, foresight, and being at the forefront of progress.

Examples of Using “Ahead of the curve” in Sentences:

  1. “The company stays ahead of the curve by investing in cutting-edge technology.” — The company is more advanced than its competitors.
  2. “She is always ahead of the curve with the latest fashion trends.” — She is more innovative in her fashion choices than others.
  3. “Their research puts them ahead of the curve in the medical field.” — Their research is more advanced than most in the medical field.
  4. “To stay ahead of the curve, you need to continually learn and adapt.” — To be more advanced, you must keep learning and adapting.
  5. “His innovative ideas keep him ahead of the curve in the tech industry.” — His ideas make him more advanced than others in the tech industry.
  6. “The startup is ahead of the curve with its unique business model.” — The startup is more innovative than its competitors.
  7. “She is ahead of the curve in understanding the new regulations.” — She understands the new regulations better than most.
  8. “Their marketing strategies are always ahead of the curve.” — Their marketing strategies are more advanced and innovative.
  9. “He stayed ahead of the curve by adopting new financial practices early.” — He was more advanced by adopting new practices before others.
  10. “The school’s curriculum is ahead of the curve in STEM education.” — The school’s curriculum is more advanced in STEM education.
  11. “They remain ahead of the curve by predicting market trends accurately.” — They are more advanced by accurately predicting market trends.
  12. “Her forward-thinking approach keeps her ahead of the curve.” — Her innovative approach makes her more advanced.
  13. “The brand is ahead of the curve with sustainable packaging solutions.” — The brand is more advanced in sustainable packaging.
  14. “He is ahead of the curve in integrating AI into daily operations.” — He is more innovative in using AI for daily tasks.
  15. “Their proactive customer service keeps them ahead of the curve.” — Their customer service is more advanced and responsive.

Stay Innovative in Learning

In your English learning, stay ahead of the curve by adopting innovative study methods and continuously seeking new knowledge. Embrace new technologies and practices to enhance your learning experience.

Try Grammar Cards for English learning to stay at the forefront of grammar mastery. The Metkagram method uses visual tags to highlight grammar patterns in context, helping you stay ahead of the curve in your studies.

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This advice helps you maintain an innovative and advanced approach to your learning journey.

About the Author

For more tips and stories about staying ahead of the curve in English learning, visit the Bear In The Dark Dev Blog. I share my experiences to help you innovate and lead in your studies.

Keep learning, and always stay ahead of the curve!



@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
App to learn english

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