Unlocking Phrasal Verbs with ‘Turn’: A Guide to Versatile English Expressions 🔄📚


Phrasal Verbs with ‘Turn’ 🔄

1. Turn Up

  • Meaning: To arrive or appear unexpectedly.
  • Example: “Don’t worry, he has a habit of turning up at the last minute.”

2. Turn Down

  • Meaning 1: To refuse or reject something.
  • Example 1: “She turned down the job offer because it required too much travel.”
  • Meaning 2: To reduce the volume or intensity.
  • Example 2: “Can you turn down the music? It’s a bit loud.”

3. Turn Around

  • Meaning: To change significantly for the better; also, physically revolving.
  • Example: “The new CEO really turned the company around in just one year.”

4. Turn Over

  • Meaning 1: To give control or possession of something to someone else.
  • Example 1: “He turned over the keys to the new owner.”
  • Meaning 2: To consider something carefully.
  • Example 2: “She turned over every possibility in her mind before making a decision.”

5. Turn Out

  • Meaning 1: To attend or participate.
  • Example 1: “Hundreds of people turned out for the protest.”
  • Meaning 2: To result or end up.
  • Example 2: “It turned out that we had taken the wrong train.”

6. Turn Off

  • Meaning: To stop the operation or flow of something; also used to indicate dislike.
  • Example: “Please turn off the lights when you leave. Also, arrogance is a huge turn-off for me.”

7. Turn Into

  • Meaning: To become or transform into something else.
  • Example: “The caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly.”

8. Turn Against

  • Meaning: To stop supporting and start opposing someone or something.
  • Example: “The public turned against the government after the scandal.”

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Mastering Phrasal Verbs with ‘Turn’ 📖✨

  • Context is Key: The meaning of phrasal verbs can change dramatically with context. Pay attention to how they’re used in sentences to grasp their meanings fully.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Try creating your own sentences with each phrasal verb to cement your understanding and improve recall.
  • Listen and Learn: Phrasal verbs are common in spoken English, so listening to native speakers in movies, shows, or conversations can help you learn their usage naturally.

Phrasal verbs with “turn” add a layer of richness and flexibility to English, allowing you to express a wide range of actions and reactions with just a few words. By mastering these expressions, you’ll enhance your ability to communicate with nuance and precision, turning your language journey into a path of endless discovery and connection.

Here’s to your English adventure, where every new expression you learn with “turn” opens up new avenues of expression and understanding. Keep exploring, and let your proficiency and confidence in English turn into something truly remarkable! 🚀🌈

Grammar Experts,

@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers



@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
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