Useful Expressions for Asking for and Giving Clarifications 🗣️🔍

@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
App to learn english
2 min readFeb 27, 2024

Asking for Clarifications 🙋‍♂️

  • “Could you please elaborate on what you mean by [specific term or phrase]?”
  • Asking someone to elaborate shows your interest in fully understanding their point and encourages them to provide more details.
  • “I’m not sure I follow. Could you give me an example to help clarify?”
  • Admitting that you’re not following and asking for an example is a great way to bridge gaps in understanding without embarrassment.

Expressing Partial Understanding 🌓

  • “I think I grasp the general idea, but I’m a bit confused about [specific part]. Could you explain that part a bit more?”
  • This shows that you’re engaged and have understood some of what was said, but need a little more information to fully comprehend.
  • “So, if I’m understanding you correctly, you’re saying [your interpretation]? Is that right?”
  • Paraphrasing what you’ve heard and asking for confirmation is an effective way to ensure that you’ve correctly understood the message.

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Offering Clarifications 🌞

  • “Let me clarify what I meant by [specific term or phrase]. What I’m trying to say is [simplified explanation].”
  • Taking the initiative to clarify misunderstandings demonstrates your commitment to clear communication.
  • “Perhaps I didn’t express myself clearly before. What I intended to convey was [clearer explanation].”
  • Acknowledging that your initial explanation might not have been clear and providing a simpler explanation can help avoid further confusion.

Clarifying Misunderstandings 🔄

  • “It seems there might be a little confusion here. What I meant was [correct information], not [misunderstood information].”
  • Directly addressing and correcting misunderstandings helps ensure that everyone is on the same page moving forward.
  • “To avoid any misunderstanding, I want to make sure we’re clear on [important point]. What I mean is [precise explanation].”
  • Preemptively clarifying important points can prevent misunderstandings before they occur, facilitating smoother communication.

Notes for Effective Clarification 📝

  • Be Patient and Open: Clarification is a two-way street. Approach these exchanges with patience and a willingness to either explain or understand more deeply.
  • Use Simple Language: Especially important in language learning, using simpler terms and constructions can make your clarifications more accessible.
  • Encourage Questions: Whether you’re asking for clarifications or providing them, fostering an environment where questions are welcomed can significantly enhance learning and understanding.

The ability to ask for and give clarifications is not just a linguistic skill but a bridge connecting cultures, ideas, and hearts. By mastering these expressions, you’re not only enhancing your language proficiency but also deepening your connections with others through clear and empathetic communication.



@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
App to learn english

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