What Are Idioms and Why Are They Crucial in Language Learning?

@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
App to learn english
4 min readNov 13, 2023

Ever stumbled upon a phrase like “It’s raining cats and dogs” and wondered why pets are falling from the sky? Or been told to “break a leg” before a big performance and questioned why someone wishes you harm? These quirky phrases are what we call idioms, and trust us, they don’t bite — nor do they involve any actual weather patterns with animals!

What Exactly Are Idioms?

In the simplest terms, idioms are expressions whose meanings can’t be inferred from the individual words. Take “spill the beans,” for example. No, we’re not talking about causing a mess in the kitchen. It’s all about letting out a secret — accidentally or not.

But Why Are Idioms Such a Big Deal?

Idioms add spice to our language stew. They pack punches of culture, history, and humor into just a few words, making conversations flavorful. They’re the secret handshake of native speakers, and when you get them right, you’re in the club!

So, Are Idioms Essential for Language Learning?

Absolutely! Knowing your idioms can be the difference between sounding like a textbook and a bona fide local. They’re like the special sauce that makes a dish go from good to great. Plus, they’re a window into the culture of the language, offering insights you just can’t get from grammar rules alone.

A Little Story from the Metkagram Community

Let me share a quick tale from our Metkagram family. Maria, one of our app users, once told us how she used the idiom “hit the nail on the head” in a meeting. Her colleagues were impressed by her command of English, and she felt like a rockstar! That’s the power of getting idioms down pat.

Unlock English Idioms for Free

Guess what? You can dive into the pool of English idioms without dipping into your wallet. That’s right, we’re thrilled to announce that Metkagram now offers a completely free course dedicated to English idioms, complete with our famous annotated flashcards!

Why Offer a Free Idioms Course?

We believe that the magic of idioms should be accessible to everyone. They’re not just expressions; they’re conversation starters, icebreakers, and sometimes, they’re even the key to understanding a joke or a movie plot. So, we decided to unlock this treasure chest for all our users because sharing is caring, and we care about your language journey.

The Wonders of Annotated Flashcards

Our annotated flashcards are not your average flashcards. They’re like your personal language guides, taking you by the hand and walking you through each idiom, step by step. They come with explanations, example sentences, and even notes on their origin. It’s like having a friendly linguist in your pocket, ready to help you anytime, anywhere.

How Can You Benefit from This Course?

By signing up for our free idioms course, you’ll:

  • Enhance your understanding of English culture.
  • Improve your ability to express complex ideas naturally.
  • Increase your confidence in English conversations.

Don’t miss out on the chance to enrich your English with our free idioms course. Download our app today from Google Play and start exploring the fun, quirky side of the English language with our easy-to-use annotated flashcards. It’s completely free, super engaging, and incredibly effective.

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The Cognitive Benefits of Learning Idioms

Alright, friends, let’s put our thinking caps on for a moment! Did you know that diving into the world of idioms can actually give your brain a fantastic workout? It’s true! When you learn idioms, you’re not just adding phrases to your vocabulary; you’re also giving your cognitive muscles a good stretch.

How Do Idioms Boost Our Brains?

Imagine for a second you’re solving a riddle. It takes a bit of creativity and a lot of problem-solving, right? Well, idioms are the riddles of language learning. When you encounter an idiom like “when pigs fly,” you’re forced to think outside the box.

Pigs can’t fly, so what could this possibly mean? It’s about impossibility or something that will never happen. Figuring this out requires and enhances your creative thinking.

The Mental Gymnastics of Idioms

Understanding and using idioms involves several brain processes. First, there’s the initial “huh?” moment when you first hear them. Then, your brain kicks into detective mode, using context clues and cultural knowledge to decipher the meaning. And when you use an idiom correctly, it’s like completing a puzzle. You’ve matched a complex idea with a linguistic expression, and that’s no small feat!

But Wait, There’s More!

By regularly interacting with idioms, you’re training your brain to recognize patterns, make connections, and understand nuances. This isn’t just useful for language learning — it’s a skill that translates into other areas of life, like social interactions and professional situations where quick thinking and adaptability are priceless.

So, the next time you’re learning an idiom, remember: you’re not just learning how to say something in a cool way; you’re also sharpening your mind’s ability to handle all sorts of challenges. And we at Metkagram are all about making that process enjoyable and rewarding!

Keep practicing, and watch as idioms take your cognitive abilities and your language skills to new heights!

Happy learning!

The Metkagram Team



@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
App to learn english

Personal Growth Hacking and Language learning is our passion. Our Flagman-apps are Brainlighter for Better Life and Metkagram. We share a lot. Join us